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  • Predestination

    Posted by elliot gilly on August 31, 2024 at 6:25 pm

    There are many verses in the Qur’an that suggest God has pre ordained everything, 9:51 87:2-3 as an example, does this mean we have no free will? How are verses like these understood?

    Saad replied 4 weeks ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Predestination

    Saad updated 4 weeks ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • Saad

    Contributor September 1, 2024 at 4:29 am

    By reading those verses in full context:

    Say, “Nothing will ever befall us except what Allah has destined for us.
    He is our Protector.” So in Allah let the believers put their trust. Say, “Are you awaiting anything to befall us except one of the two best
    things: victory or martyrdom? But We are awaiting Allah to afflict you
    with torment either from Him or at our hands. So keep waiting! We too
    are waiting with you.” Say, O Prophet, “˹Whether you donate willingly or unwillingly, it
    will never be accepted from you, for you have been a rebellious people.” And what prevented their donations from being accepted is that they have
    lost faith in Allah and His Messenger, they never come to prayer except
    half-heartedly, and they never donate except resentfully.
    (Qur’an 9:51-54)

    Who created and perfectly fashioned all. And Who ordained precisely and inspired accordingly, and Who brings forth green pasture, then reduces it to withered chaff. We will have you recite the Quran, O Prophet, so you will not forget any of it. Unless Allah wills otherwise. He surely knows what is open and what is hidden. We will facilitate for you the Way of Ease. So always remind with the Quran˺—even if the reminder is beneficial only to some. Those in awe of Allah will be mindful of it. But it will be shunned by the most wretched. Who will burn in the greatest Fire. Where they will not be able to live or die. Successful indeed are those who purify themselves. [Who] Remember the Name of their Lord, and pray. But you [deniers only] prefer the life of this world. Even though the Hereafter is far better and more lasting. (Qur’an 87:2-17)

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