Reincarnation And Spiritual Experiences Of Sufis
AssalamuAlaikum, I am a Muslim and have 110% certainty in Allah and his scripture and that Muhammad (PBUH) is His last apostle.But I have few questions for which I want detailed answers, these questions are challenging my beliefs about the Hereafter.Firstly, there are cases in which a children is born and after reaching the age of 3-5 , he start talking about his previous life/past life, and when we verify about the past life it confirms that person actually existed.
Secondly, when people are meditating they get visions of their previous/past lives.Many sufis/mystics also believed in Reincarnation, big names include Mansoor al Hallaj and Rumi to whom people consider them Wali Ullah, they were believers of Reincarnation.
Thirdly, there is a place in spiritual plane called akashic record, it may have many other names, people who practice astral projection also talks about Akashic records and tells that it is Library with records of each and every person alive, dead and going to come. Hindu Yogis can access these records and can tell them about their multiple reincarnations.
Lastly, this practice is very popular in the west called “past life regression” in which people go under hypnosis and tells things about their past lives, I know this method is strongly week to justify as the psychiatrist can show you anything.But there was a detailed research about this topic by doctor Ivan Stevenson, he examined these children and observed multiple cases which made him a strong believer of Reincarnation.Also during the Near death experiences, people come back and talks about having multiple lifespan, this life is a play etc.
I strongly condemn reincarnation, and I need detailed analysis of these topics.JazakAllah.
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