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Forums Forums General Discussions Hazrat Umar's (rta) Marriage With The Daughter Of Hazrat Ali (rta)

  • Hazrat Umar's (rta) Marriage With The Daughter Of Hazrat Ali (rta)

    Posted by Tahir Ashraf Humayun on October 24, 2024 at 9:36 am

    A very disturbing story is written in books. It says that Hazrat Umer undressed legs of Umme Kulsum, the daughter of Hazrat Ali. The girl said in response that Umer get away from me. If you were not caliph, I would have torn apart your eyes. The questions are:-

    1. Why Hazrat Ali sent his daughter alone to Hazrat Umer, being “NAMEHRAM”?

    2. Why Hazrat Umer undressed Umme Kulsum?

    3. Can a girl be married without her permission?

    4. In case Father is allowed to marry his daughter without her consent, why was she not informed about this engagement?

    Book name: Hayatus Sahaba

    Volume: 2

    Written by: Maulana Yousaf kandhalvi

    Page: 794

    Note: Tried to attach relevant pages but server is not responding.

    Maliha replied 4 months, 1 week ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Hazrat Umar's (rta) Marriage With The Daughter Of Hazrat Ali (rta)

    Maliha updated 4 months, 1 week ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar October 25, 2024 at 5:14 am

    Such stories about prominent figures were contrived by their political opponents from Kufa. Since the marriage of Hazrat Ali’s daughter to Hazrat Umar was not acceptable to them, they invented this story. The story has flaws. It not only defames Hazrat Umar but also insults Hazrat Ali.

  • Umer

    Moderator October 25, 2024 at 7:33 am

    The marriage is reported in history books but the exact age of Umm-e-Kulsum at the time of her marriage is not mentioned anywhere. This particular narration is not acceptable as its content is against the character of two ‘Sahaba’ who were not only Caliphs of Muslims but were also among the Sabiqoon of the Muslims, whose piety is guaranteed in Quran. Additionally, there is discontinuity in the chain of narration of this particular report, thus making it inauthentic.

    This particular incident is primarily reported in two books:

    1) Al-Musannaf by Abdur Razzaq (d:211H), 2/163, Numbers 10352 & 10353. Second Edition (الناشر: المجلس العلمي- الهند، توزيع المكتب الإسلامي – بيروت) (المحقق: حبيب الرحمن الأعظمي)

    2) Sunan by Saeed Bin Mansur (d:227H), 1/173, Number 521. First Edition (الناشر: الدار السلفية – الهند) (المحقق: حبيب الرحمن الأعظمي)

    While Ibn-e-Hajr Asqalani (d:852H) accepted this narration in his Al-Talkhees Al-Habir 3/313, Number 1484, First Edition (الناشر: دار الكتب العلمية). Shiekh Albani (d:1420H) mentioned that initially he had also accepted this narration based on Ibn-e-Hajr’s verdict but later on when Al-Musannaf was published with research of Habib Al-Rehman Al-Azmi, he noted a discontinuity in the chain of narration while the chain mentioned by Ibn-e-Hajr includes a wrong narrator in the chain with reference to Al-Musannaf of Abdur Razzaq. See Silsila Ahadith-e-Daeefa, 3/432-434, Number 1273, First Edition (الناشر: مكتبة المعارف، الرياض – الممكلة العربية السعودية).

  • Maliha

    Member October 25, 2024 at 7:39 am

    I am just coming in the discussion from perspective of a woman… even today living in west I must say speaking about intimate life publicly is not a common practice. When I read this narrative where it’s being told (in case even if truth) by a woman in Arab centuries ago , I really wonder to whom she said that! Logically to me this entire scenario seems a clear effort to demoralise Islam as a religion not only two pious Sahabas. And off course a clear effort to create hatred amongst Muslims.

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