Not Removing A Thought About Private Parts Of Same Or Opposite Sex
Hello there assalamualaikum,
my question is that anything that can lead to Zina should be avoided. on the same principle watching someone’s private parts is to be avoided too whether same or opposite sex.
My question is if for example a paramedic, who inserts and removes catheters of patients etc. if he gets thoughts or normal imagery in mind of a scene of the moment of removing an old man’s catheter and view of his penis etc, and he doesn’t remove those thoughts. Those images of thoughts stay in his mind and he doesn’t feel any lust or anything. will it be sin or inappropriate to not remove the thoughts and keep pondering over that imagery? for example casual focusing on how the thing was performed, how the organ looked and color of catheter.
in short there’s no necessity of pondering or thinking about that scene but still if the paramedic doesn’t remove the thought and stays in that scene without feeling any feeling of lust or having a risk of getting attracted towards Zina. will this casual thinking be sinful or minor sin?
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