Is It Sunnah To Combine Zuhur With ‘Asr And Magarib With Isha
Assalamu Alaikum
Ghamidi sahab writes in Meezan:
“From this concession granted in the prayer, the Prophet (sws) has also deduced a concession in the times it is offered, and in such journeys he has led the Muslims in prayer by combining the zuhr and ‘asr prayers together and the maghrib and ‘isha prayers together.” What I have understood that the question of concession in prayers is primarily taken by Quran. It’s practical form is decided by Sunnah, as Ghamidi sahab also writes:” The sunnah established by the Prophet (sws) in this regard is that the four rak‘at prayer shall be shortened to two. No reduction shall be made in two and three rak‘at prayers”. But when it comes to shortening of times, combining prayers; it was a deduction and not an established Sunnah. Consequently, it is not obligatory to only combine Zuhur with ‘Asr and Magarib with Isha, prayers cam be combined in any order like Asr with Magarib or Fajr with Duhur etc. Is that true?
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