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  • Itmam Hujjat Done By Prophet 1400 Yrs Ago

    Posted by Shayiq Shah on February 8, 2025 at 10:10 am

    Ghamidi sahab oftenly tells that itcame under light of historic period that it was not done in prehistoric period….as of other prophets that is why prophets were sealed and no prophet will


    Now my qn is:

    1)please elaborate it that how angle of history defined era of finalizing prophecy in case of prophet sws ,while not in case of other prophets…i mean which kind of history and how it makes sense.

    2)why not for renewing hujjat today Prophet can not come,how it goes against principles which you think are right.

    3)why prophet solomon came immediately after prophet David…Both things (hidayah+hujjah)was done by David pbuh…so why then solomon was given prophethood?…and also in bani israel prophets used to authenticate prophets by masah…their head…

    So why even this was done when previos prophet was supposed to do( hujjat and hidayat).

    Dr. Irfan Shahzad replied 1 week, 6 days ago 2 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Itmam Hujjat Done By Prophet 1400 Yrs Ago

  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar February 9, 2025 at 2:18 am

    Please write in clear language so that we may understand the question correct.

    Prophets came for two purposes. For Itmaam ul Hujjah and for Itmaam ul Hidayah. Every prophet and Rasool did Itmaam ul Hujjah and delivered Hidayah. But they were not preserved because the human societies did not evolve to recorded the sciences, including their history. When all the resources to record the history and teaching and practices of the prophet were available, and his followers preserved everything l, there remained no need to send other prophets.

    Bani Israel were kept under the constant guidance of the prophet because their time was very uncertain. They were a small community surrounded by polytheists and time a again they fell into polytheism. On the other hand the community of the prophet established on firm grounds. The function of inzaar which would be done by the prophets of bani israel was done by the Qur’an itself. That is why you don’t find inzaar in Torah, while Quran includes inzaar. Therefore, there left no need for more prophets.

  • Shayiq Shah

    Member February 9, 2025 at 7:27 am

    In bible there is history as well so what!

    They preserved upto some level their history also….

    How prophet sws case is different in history record,its transmission…etc

    I explain:

    1)you say its important to record history,so was recorded similarly in them as in ours case.

    That they wrote and we also wrote…so what is difference..

  • Shayiq Shah

    Member February 9, 2025 at 7:36 am

    For me only 1 reason makes sense,that original matan of Quran was preserved….

    Otherwise writing history will do nothing….it makes no sense…

    That because history was written in prophets time…so is prophecy was terminated..

    And also not every practice practised by prophet need not be recorded in islamic history…who says this…

    Even after 100’s of yrs no history was written…only kind of oral traditions were transmitted…in which there are ample chances that mistakes would be done…

    My real qn is when ghamidi sahab says that prophet sws time came in light of history…what does this statement mean….and which things(اسباب) of that time …lead to culmination of prophecy..

  • Shayiq Shah

    Member February 9, 2025 at 7:37 am

    Except of Quran preservation…

  • Shayiq Shah

    Member February 9, 2025 at 7:38 am

    What special thing came in that part of history….which lead culmination of prophecy(except preservation of Quran)….and also how itmam hujjah is done on us today

  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar February 10, 2025 at 1:17 am

    Please ask one question at one time.

    There are two different things. History and tawatur. Tawatur is independent of history. History record it or not it travels from generations to generations. In the case of Jews, they were a small community whose tawatur was disrupted. They lost the original text of their book, the were dispersed in different lands. They were subjugated for long periods of time and they were not allowed to practice their religion.

    It created a need for a prophet.

    In the time of the prophet, different parts of the got connected. They invented better ways of writing and preserving the historical records.

    Between the narrators and recorders the links are not lost, as it happend in the cases of previous people.

    The Qur’an with all its knowledge, preservation, ita coming from a person who had no knowledge, it’s fulfilled challenges and the success and triumph of the prophet in history do Itmaam ul Hujjah on us that there is a God who sent the last prophet with Qur’an that tells us that we are going to be held accountable for our deeds in the court of God on the Day of Judgement.

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