Zakat On Shares —- Follow Up Question 3
“When you buy a a machine, you own it and it produces which you sell and make profits. You cannot convert your machine into money. This is not the case with investment. You don’t own a machine or thing.”
Ans: share certificate is documentary evidence of ownership of means of production. In case of bankruptcy, means of production are sold and after paying off liabilities, residual amount is divided amongst shareholders equally. This proves the ownership.
“You cannot convert your machine into money.”
Ans: shareholders can sell shares because they are willing to sell and stock market provides them opportunity to find buyers. In my above example, person A or B can sell part or whole of their investment and convert their investment into money. It is question of willingness not the question of possibility or impossibility.
“You don’t know if your money is used in buying a means of production or paid in utility bills, etc.”
Ans: when you buy a share, a contract is executed that makes shareholder owner of means of production immediately. That’s why you become eligible of residual amount of means of production (plant, factory, etc) in case of bankruptcy.
“You can take your money back anytime, according to the laws or SoPs. Therefore investment is not counted as means of production. Economics treat them differently.”
Ans: you can take your money back (sell your investment/shares) only if there are buyers in both scenarios (stock market and in my initial example). There is no difference in both cases.
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