Praying When Outside When In A Foreign Country
Assalam o Alaikum,
I live in a communist country in which technically practicing religion isn’t allowed in public. Practically this is not always enforced however when there is a crowd or a public event there is always a fear of being reprimanded by authorities ( at the very least). Sometimes I have to be gone for half a day or more running errands or maybe even for enjoyment with family. It becomes a matter of great stress deciding whether to pray, where to pray and even if I should pray while sitting to avoid drawing attention to myself.
I do sometimes conveniently find an isolated place to pray but this is not always the case.
My questions are :
-In case of genuine concern that I will be reprimanded ( like in a subway station or mall or museum), can I wait till I get back home?
-Can I pray while sitting to avoid attention on to myself for sake of discretion ?
-Should I perform wuzu in a public bathroom where I can again get reprimanded by authorities?
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