Caffeine Patch
Is it permissable to use caffeine patch during fasting?
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Is it permissable to use caffeine patch during fasting?
Although not directly related to your question, similar application can be made for it too
Thank you, sir.
The purpose of a caffeine patch is to help a person stay active, similar to how some people rely on coffee or tea to meet their caffeine needs and feel more alert. If someone uses a caffeine patch instead of drinking tea or coffee while fasting, would it be considered permissible?
I think it will be considered impermissible.this interpretation is based on article which claims, it gives energy too.
However to be sure, i will request
@Irfan76 sb to give his scholarly opinion
Caffeine: Benefits, risks, and effects
Caffeine is a stimulant that occurs naturally in several foods. Some companies also add it artificially to their drinks and snacks. In small doses it can improve alertness. The FDA recommends no more than 400 mg a day as too … Continue reading
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