Human nature is altered in so many ways with conditioning of our upbringing, environment, behaviours etc….
Muslims would feel gross to eat some stuff that is Completely Enjoyable and comes natural for So Many people…….
Even Quran doesn’t explicitly told about what is halaal or haraam (for eating) and JAG refers it to Human Natural instinct of it……
I know that eating reference is just a small thing here but when we use our nature to Understand and Accept that Quran is from God and there is A God………
How we can say that we are using true nature that we are born with…..?
JAG also recommended in one of the videos to read the Quran critically as if its been written by A Random Arab and You can’t even prove single thing of Quran to be wrong, whereas human written books can’t stand with facts even for some decades…….
But in all of these things, we are using our nature…
So, In the end, how come we know that *our individual nature* is the natural in the truest sense and is not badly manipulative…….
which is leading us to believe that There is a God and Quran is His book….
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