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  • Tengrism And Genghis Khan

    Posted by Ahmad Shoaib on January 23, 2021 at 3:36 pm

    Khorchi of the Baarin tells Temujin of a vision given by “Zaarin Tengri” where a bull raises dust and asks for one of his horns back after charging the ger cart of Jamukha (Temujin’s rival) while another ox harnessed itself to a big ger cart on the main road and followed Temujin, bellowing “Heaven and Earth have agreed to make Temujin the Lord of the nation and I am now carrying the nation to you”. Temujin afterward tells his earliest companions Boorchi and Zelme that they will be appointed to the highest posts because they first followed him when he was “mercifully looked upon by Tengri” (paragraph 125). In the Battle of Khuiten, Buyuruk Khan and Quduga try using zad stones to cause a thunderstorm against Temujin but it backfires and they get stuck in slippery mud. They say “the wrath of Tengri is upon us” and flee in disorder (paragraph 143). Temujin prays to “father Tengri” on a high hill with his belt around his neck after defeating the Taichiud at Tsait Tsagaan Tal and taking 100 horses and 50 breastplates. He says “I haven’t become Lord thanks to my own bravery, but I have defeated my enemies thanks to the love of my father mighty Tengri”. When Nilqa Sengum the son of Toghrul Khan tries to convince him to attack Temujin, Toghrul says “How can I think evil of my son Temujin? If we think evil of him when he is such a critical support to us, Tengri will not be pleased with us”. After Nilqa Sengum throws a number of tantrums Toghrul finally relents and says “I was afraid of Tengri and said how can I harm my son. If you are really capable, then you decide what you need to do”.[55]
    When Boorchi and Ogedei return wounded from the battle against Toghrul, Genghis Khan strikes his chest in anguish and says “May Eternal Tengri decide” (paragraph 172). Genghis Khan tells Altan and Khuchar “All of you refused to become Khan, that is why I led you as Khan. If you would have become Khan I would have charged first in battle and brought you the best women and horses if high Khukh Tengri showed us favor and defeated our enemies”. After defeating the Keraits Genghis Khan says “By the blessing of Eternal Tengri I have brought low the Kerait nation and ascended the high throne” (paragraph 187). Genghis sends Subutai with an iron cart to pursue the sons of Togtoa and tells him “If you act exposed though hidden, near though far and maintain loyalty then Supreme Tengri will bless you and support you” (paragraph 199). Jamukha tells Temujin “I had no trustworthy friends, no talented brothers and my wife was a talker with great words. That is why I have lost to you Temujin, blessed and destined by Father Tengri.” Genghis Khan appoints Shikhikhutug chief judge of the Empire in 1206 and tells him “Be my eyes to see and ears to hear when I am ordering the empire through the blessing of Eternal Tengri” (paragraph 203). Genghis Khan appoints Muqali “Gui Wang” because he “transmitted the word of Tengri when I was sitting under the spreading tree in the valley of Khorkhunag Jubur where Hotula Khan used to dance” (paragraph 206). He gives Khorchi of the Baarin 30 wives because he promised Khorchi he would fulfill his request for 30 wives “if what you say comes true through the mercy and power of Tengri” (paragraph 207).

    Could it be, that the dreams that these people were receiving were the dreams that Muhammad SAW told us that they would come afterwards? Because they all came true. Genghis Khan conquered so much land and it was all under the claim that God was helping him. Could it be that God contacted him? Because Tengrism is basically just pure monotheism. No ritual prayers or anything. It seems like it was just people following their pure fitrah. But if Genghis Khan made these claims and they came true- doesn’t that mean that he should be taken as a messenger of God?

    Ahmad Shoaib replied 3 years, 8 months ago 2 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Tengrism And Genghis Khan

    Ahmad Shoaib updated 3 years, 8 months ago 2 Members · 4 Replies
  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator January 23, 2021 at 3:50 pm

    “But if Genghis Khan made these claims and they came true- doesn’t that mean that he should be taken as a messenger of God?”

    By that token the weather man should be taken as a messenger of God too.

    Please see:

    Discussion 4625


    Discussion 4625 • Reply 4628

    • Ahmad Shoaib

      Contributor January 23, 2021 at 4:00 pm

      The weatherman doesn’t claim to get his information from God. I’m not sure if Genghis Khan invited others to his religion, rather that many later Khans actually converted to Islam due to the similarity between the religions. Due to the lack of rituals in the religion, I don’t think a prophet would’ve given it, rather that it was just following the fitrah.

      Perhaps Temujin (Genghis Khan’s real name- the tile Genghis Khan means ‘supreme leader’), was communicated to by God through dreams but was not a prophet. And God communicated to him to conquer these lands and that he would conquer them and it was all part of God’s scheme. Could we say this?

  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator January 23, 2021 at 4:14 pm

    When we associate anything to God, we need to have credible evidence from God Himself. “Perhaps” is never a good enough reason to associate anything to God. Can we have such an inclination about Genghis? Perhaps.

    • Ahmad Shoaib

      Contributor January 23, 2021 at 8:57 pm

      What other explanation could there be for Genghis Khan saying he’s doing what he’s doing based on God’s commands and the visions given to him by the shaman Khorchi coming out to be true?

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