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Forums Forums Sources of Islam Please Provide Ghamidi Sahib's Interpretation On Ayah's 20:122-123 & 2:36


  • Please Provide Ghamidi Sahib's Interpretation On Ayah's 20:122-123 & 2:36

    Posted by Nadeem on February 6, 2021 at 8:49 am

    I have the following translation of these verses.

    [20:122] Subsequently, his Lord chose him, redeemed him, and guided him.

    [20:123] He said, “Go down therefrom, all of you. You are enemies of one another. When guidance comes to you from Me, anyone who follows My guidance will not go astray, nor suffer any misery.

    [2:36] But the devil duped them, and caused their eviction therefrom. We said, “Go down as enemies of one another. On Earth shall be your habitation and provision for awhile.”

    1. Who did Allah ordered to “Go Down” or “Evicted from the paradise/garden on earth” in verse 20:123 & 2:36?

    2. Who are the parties in 20:123 & 2:36 that are supposed to be “enemies of one another”. Is it humans as enemies of one another or Iblis and humans?

    Please provide me brief and specific answer in text.

    Nadeem replied 3 years, 11 months ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Please Provide Ghamidi Sahib's Interpretation On Ayah's 20:122-123 & 2:36

    Nadeem updated 3 years, 11 months ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • Haris Virk

    Moderator February 6, 2021 at 10:28 am

    1. The parties evicted from the garden are all three of them:

    “The overall meaning is thus: O Adam and Eve and O Satan all of you move out from the garden and enter the earth.” (Al-Bayan)

    2. The parties that are declared as enemies in these verses are Adam (mankind) and Iblis. Ghamidi sahab writes in his commentary:

    “This address is not to Adam and Eve, but to Adam and Iblis as two sides. The emphasis on the word جَمِيْعًا in the verse makes this very clear. In other places the plural form is used for the same reason.” (Al-Bayan)

    “That is, Iblis is your enemy and you are his enemy. The natural connection between you and him is enmity, so you should always consider him your enemy.” (Al-Bayan)

  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator February 6, 2021 at 11:34 am

    Please look at Al-Bayan. You can read it for free in the Ghamidi app.

    • Nadeem

      Member February 6, 2021 at 11:36 am

      Thank you Faisal🙂

  • Nadeem

    Member February 6, 2021 at 11:35 am

    Thank you Haris. I appreciate your help🙂

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