Surah Mu'minun 23:5-7
The implication is that ascetism is not what is demanded. Sexual relations with the wife are absolutely permitted. However, except for her, these relations are absolutely prohibited if they are in the form of adultery, temporary marriage (muta‘), sodomy or bestiality. They cannot be expected from a Muslim. Yet it should remain clear that there is no possibility in the words of the verse to interpret them as referring to masturbation and other similar acts. They are confined to sexual relations with another individual and cannot relate to self-gratification in this regard. The reason for this is that the preposition عَلَي (on/upon) does not collocate with حَافِظُوْن (those who guard) and thus there necessarily exists a tadmin in this expression, and words such as عن الوقوع علي أحد (from indulging with anyone) are suppressed after حَافِظُوْن. Thus, the object from which the exception is sought in this expression is not the ways of sexual-gratification: it is the individuals with whom a person can establish sexual relations. The verse does not mean that no way of sexual-gratification is allowed except through wives and slave-women; it means that except for wives and slave-women, one cannot appease one’s sexual urge with any other individual.
It makes sense that a tadmin exists. But what is the evidence that the tadmin is ‘alaa an waqu’i ‘ala ahadin? Why not ‘alaa an takshufuu ‘alaa ahad (that you uncover them on someone)? Because perhaps slaves would help their masters to get undressed etc. What is the evidence that the tadmin here is to do with the actual intimate relation? Rather it seems that the word zina or lamas or tubashir is not used- so why assume its to do with that whereas it seems to only refer to guarding the modesty.
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