Consenual Sex Or Fornication
So, i have discussed this before but my mind just doesn’t seem to get a satisfactory answer regarding this matter. Whats the main reason behind prohibition of fornication or consensual sex before marriage and by all this i mean those people who are committed to a single person like we see in western societies people are having cohabitation and to me it seems fine because they are committed to each other unless they break up and in most cases this live-in relationship becomes successful and yes i am not talking about one night stands, hook ups and all other sexual stuff. So my question is regarding this matter only in which a person is committed to only one person and in this century we know child birth is also not a problem as we have tools to control it. So why’s it prohibited because sex addiction doesn’t seem to be one the reasons as studies show that sex addiction is caused by many factors like:
Genes: You may have a genetic predisposition to emotional dysregulation, impulsivity, or sensation-seeking behavior. You may also have a predisposition to other traits that are commonly associated with sexual addiction, like anxiety or depression.
Hormones: As one might expect, higher levels of sex hormones like testosterone or estrogen can affect libido. If you are inclined towards impulsive behavior and have high levels of sex-related hormones, you may be more likely to engage in excess sexual activities.
Environmental influences: Early-life environmental factors, including adverse events like abuse or exposure to sexual content, can contribute to some of the underlying characteristics that drive hypersexual behavior.
Mental health: Anxiety, depression, personality disorders, poor impulse control, and performance anxiety might be simultaneous issues that one struggles with alongside sex addiction. Those that have been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, or have a tendency toward “manic” states, are much more likely to engage in excessive or risky sexual behavior.
Rejection in relationships and social circles can lead to other, less healthy ways to find sexual gratification.
Social isolation: Not only does social isolation increase one’s likelihood of seeking inappropriate ways of being sexually gratified, it also leads to a host of other problems–like depression and physical maladies–that can contribute to sex addictions or unhealthy sex behaviors.
Social learning: Watching others perform a behavior, or “modeling,” is one way to learn something new–especially when you “like” or “identify” with that person. So having a friend, or a group of friends, who engage in excessive sexual activities or porn viewing can influence you in a very subtle, yet powerful, way.
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