Socio – Cultural Evolution
Lately I have been watching Mr Ghamdi’s mini series on “riyasat” and it’s related issues on the weekly show ilmo Hikmat. His depth and breadth of knowledge is incredible. I have gained so much from his talks. However, my mind has raised a few questions too.
As Mr Ghamdi said that broadly speaking there are two kinds of institutions in the world. Firstly, the institution of marriage and secondly , the institution of state (riyasat).
He also said that Quran addresses people fully acknowledging and respecting the socio cultural evolutionionry stage at the time of its revelation and the various evolutionary stages there after.
Mr Ghamdi also states that because the institution of marriage is a devine institution its edicts are laid down by Allah himself.
My question is that when Allah acknowledges the realities of socio-cultural shift according to changing times why doesn’t He acknowledge the fact that that evolutionary process will also shift the culture of the basic building block of the society which is a family ( or “khandan” as Mr Ghamdi calls it). Why does Allah show such unbending rigidity in those edits.
The following are some of the questions that I have:
Today’s woman is not a suppressed, oppressed , dependant house wife of the war torn tribal culture the Quran was revealed onto. In those days world was ruled by brawn rather than brain. Now women are acing every aspect of the work force. They are fiercely confident and independent yet they are still expected to bow to the superiority of men like women were expected to do so in the tribal culture which was ruled by fist and dominance . In that regressive culture men saw women as weak and good for nothing entities. They regarded women as mere liabilities where their only quality was being baby making machines.
Furthermore, because of the battle and war cultural at the time polygamy was common place but even now men feel it’s their God given right to hurt and oppress women by using polygamy card. Why do women have to put up with this degradation and why is their a total disregard by Allah to the feelings of the first wife but when it comes to the feelings of a husband he is treated like a demigod.
If a woman wants divorce men and our courts feel they have the right to refuse her the pleasure of a divorce even though she cannot stand the sight of her husband ! All in the name of husband’s rights. Why?
With the number of working women increasing , more and more women are supporting their parents financially yet the inheritance laws are inflexible and biased towards men. Why?
If “amrohum shura benahum” is the recommended way of establishing a healthy society then why doesn’t Allah encourage its application in the basic unit of society – the family. Why is husband given the status of a ruler.
Why are women made to feel second class citizen that are meant to be ruled by men rather than being treated as their equals.
As a result of all this many of today’s women find Islam suffocating- because of its bias towards men.
There are innumerable women who refuse to get married because of the Islamic marriage laws which are skewed towards men.
If you line up all the Muslim men and women in the world and ask them which gender they would pick if Allah gave them a second chance. Without a doubt all men AND WOMEN will pick the male gender. This is because women feel Allah has shown a clear favoritism towards men.
Plz help me understand all this because these ( and many I haven’t asked yet) issues have bothered me and almost all educated, forward thinking Muslim women of this era for years and years.
Mr Ghamdi is the only Muslim scholar who has satisfied some questions on my very long list of women related questions in Islam.
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