If I may present a different point of view against the conclusion given above. I am not convinced that a person is responsible for the domino impact of his sins/actions except in case of a good deed.
Allah said in Quran that a sin will be equal to one sin but he multiples a good deed many folds.
The fact is that in this world if a person moves a grain of sand, it only happens with the will of Allah. Any action as small as moving a grain of sand will have a domino impact on the future events, both positive and negative. There is no way to avoid this impact. That impact positive or negative, Allah has already designed it for the future as part of a test for future generations.
I believe, Allah promises to consider the positive domino impact of a good deed by a person and give all the credit. But for a sin, he will only consider it a single event and disregard domino events. Any domino impact is the test of future generations.
Although in case of a murder, Allah has stated in Quran that killing of a person is as killing of the entire humanity and saving a life is as saving the life of the entire humanity. So perhaps, killing a person come under a different rule.