Why Does Allah Need Angels To Perform Various Functions?
Considering the following statements from Quran. I am paraphrasing here.
1. Allah ask heaven and earth to come to existence willingly or unwillingly and they agreed to come to existence willingly.
2. Everything, even nonliving objects praise Allah and one point decided not to take the responsibility of free will. That means in one sense, everything is alive.
3. Everything in heaven and earth and everything a person will do in his/her life is written down to every detail even before it came into existence.
4. Allah is the innermost and outermost. He is present in everywhere and he is aware of everything. He is aware of everything and everyone’s past, present and future.
Considering all of the above
1. Why angles have to drive winds; why winds don’t drive itself on Allah’s command?
2. Why angles have to go and get message from Allah and bring the message down when everything is known and written down to an atom level even before it came to existence?
3. Why there are angles on every person’s right and left to write down the person’s deeds when what a person will do in his/her entire life is already written down in a book and it is already known to Allah?
4. Quran also says that Allah location is the highest heaven, another place it says that when he built the initial earth, his throne was on water and it also says that he is present everywhere. He is the innermost and outermost. Is Allah everywhere in everything or is he physically at the highest heaven?
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