As Per Fossil Records, Were Animals Created First And Then Human Beings?
As far I understand from the Quranic perspective of evolution, there are three different phases of evolution. In the first phase God Almighty created human being directly from the clay, and the creation is done by the same process as nowadays we see in the mother’s womb and from this we can assume that all the different species of animals were created in the same way.
In the second phase God gave them the ability to continue their progeny by themselves. Then diversities took place which resulted in a good shape of human being.
In the third phase Allah choose two beings (Adam & Hawa) among them and gave them self consciousness and and their progeny continued. That’s why they are called the father and mother of all human kind.
On the other hand science tells us that about 66 million years ago dinosaurs roamed the earth and we also know that dinosaurs were laying eggs, it means that this was the second phase. But from the fossil record of human we have no traces of human back then in the era of dinosaurs. It is roughly 300000 years old. Does it mean that Allah created animals and mammals first then created human being after a long time and pass them from these three phases mentioned above?
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