Female Ejaculation
First of all, I request to everyone not to report this post. Answer to such questions are important to know.
Women in the past also asked such questions to Prophet Muhammad(pbuh).
And this matter is very serious because it deals with the purity of women before salah. One should be free to ask such things when it comes to knowing about religion. It can help me learn and also help women to know about.
The sole purpose of this platform to ask questions relating to religion and this matter is also related to religion
This time I will try to use more appropriate words and will provide reference too.
So, I was researching about this topic and got totally confused. I searched about this topic and found that ejaculation in women is less common than in men[It’s perfectly normal for women not to ejaculate.].
[The Process of ejaculation in women is still unclear according to the researchers.] I found this in wikipedia article of female ejaculation but have not added the link to maintain decency in this public platform.
While men mostly ejaculate during nocturnal emission , women usually release vaginal lubircation and do not ejaculate .It’s not like that ejaculation is not possible for women during nocturanl emission ,but it’s uncommon.
● Some researchers say that Ejaculation in women occurs when a woman squirts during climax/orgasm.[https://flo.health/menstrual-cycle/health/vaginal-discharge/discharge-fluid-mucus]
● Some researchers say that Ejaculation in women is of two types :-
A) Squirting fluid -This fluid is colourless, and it occurs in large quantities
B)Ejaculatory fluid :- milky white fluid.
● Some researchers say that squirting fluid is similar to urine and different from ejaculatory fluid.
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