Ghamidi Sahab is proponent of Principal-Secured Financing as a mode of alternative financing to current lending operations of the Banking Sector. This entails that an investor doesn’t necessarily have to share losses of a buisness from his principal investment amount, which should be kept secure for the financer.
e.g. If the investor is not actively involved in management and day to day operations of the business then he should go for principal-secured financing arrangement, where his principal investment will be secure and returned to him in case of permanent loss, with exceptions to extraordinary circumstances. As for the profits, investor can either agree to split them as a percentage of actual profits or losses (won’t be taking any profit in case of a loss); or investor can agree on a percentage share for estimated profits by choosing a low percentage so that it covers for both profits and losses throughout the years.
To understand further, please refer to the responses of Ghamidi Sahab shared in the following links.
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