Jesus was Rasool. His migration after Itmam ul Hujja was his uplifting by God and after him came the scourge of God as explained in the verse 3:55-56
At that time when God said: “Jesus, I have decided to give you death and lift you up to Myself and I shall purify you from these who have disbelieved in you and shall grant your followers [861] supremacy over these disbelievers until the Day of Judgement. Then to Me finally you shall all have to return. So, at that time, I shall give verdict on what you have been differing in.
Thus, it is these disbelievers whom I sternly punish both in this world and in the world to come and they find none to help them.”
Since the Children of Israel were destined to be humiliated instead of annihilation (because the punishment of annihilation is associated with polytheism), they were put to humiliation in the wake of massacre inflicted upon them by Titus the Roman commander.