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  • Yajooj Majooj In The Light Of Quran

    Posted by Azhar Khan on January 29, 2023 at 2:31 pm

    As Salaamu Alaikum Ghamidi Sahib!!

    I have listened your View on Yajooj Majooj. What I understood from your point of view that Yajooj Majooj has been appeared and spreading around the world.

    But as per your advise I tried to read Qur’an and I am getting another meaning from it. Please enlighten me with your knowledge of my thoughts are wrong and where I am not getting the right point.

    First in surah Kahf from Ayat 97 Allah Sa’id and they will not able to scale it neither they will be able to penetrate.

    He said this is a mercy from my Lord but when promise (Qiyamat) of my Lord will make it (wall) level and my Lord Promise is true.

    And that day some of them will surge over others and the trumpet will be blown then we gather them all together.

    And we present hell that day to disbelievers on display.

    In my point of view Allah is very clear that they will be hold behind the wall and will be gather on day of Judgment. There is no mentioning of them coming to Earth. And trumpet means is the the second trumpet when all human kind gather.

    Secondly where it says that some of them will be surge over others, my understanding is Allah has given the answer for that in Surah Anbia. Where after explaining few Messengers details Allah explain about those who disbelieve from Ayat 95.

    And there is prohibition upon town which we have destroyed that they will

    Not return.

    Until when Yajooj Majooj has been open and they will descend from every elevation.

    And the true promise has approached, then behold them the staring eyes of those who disbelieve! O Woe to us (disbelievers) verily we had been in heedlessness of this, we were wrongdoers.

    So when I tried to understand these two surah and about Yajooj and Majooj

    I got that Yajooj And Majooj will be gather on day of judgment and they will left lose on those munkareen who are already been given Azaab on day of judgment until they both group enter in Jahannum.

    I am not any scholar and just a student and trying to learn Quran. I may have understood meaning wrong and that is why I need your opinion.

    Jazakum Allah Khairun!

    Azhar Khan

    Dr. Irfan Shahzad replied 2 years, 1 month ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Yajooj Majooj In The Light Of Quran

  • Ahsan

    Moderator January 30, 2023 at 8:19 am

    Surah kahf verse 83 starts the story of Zulqarnain by “they ask you about zulqernain” (paraphrased). Hence, it is addressing the question of Jews who asked about him. Hence, the information provided will be about knowledge preserved in Bible. In the bible, details of Gog Magog are already given including info about King Cyrus. It is a continuation of that. Hence assuming something else is technically ignoring one associated part of the Quran. The Bible also talk about destruction by yajuj majoj too. According to it, they will be occupying the world in all directions.

    In verse 97, Its is to show the good work of people who built a strong wall. if you read further, the king says it will be demolished by the will of God.
    About in Surah anbiya, Ghamidi sb understanding of elevation is that they will be in state of power/strength in the world and capture all resources.
    Chk al bayan for verses and!/ishraq/61a07042b3903b1a2622c628?articleId=61a072a5b3903b1a2622c787&year=2021&decade=2020

  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar January 31, 2023 at 1:11 am

    In the story of Zulqarnain in Surah Kahaf, the people complained about Gog and Magog, and to save them from their assaults, Zulqarnain built the bulwark. So, God and Magog are the real people of the earth. Their historical existence is proved by the Bible.

    Their descendance from the highgourounds is a sign of Doomsday. It does not mean, that soon after their appearance on the scene, Doomsday will strike. The days of God are equivalent to one thousand or 50 thousand days of ours.

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