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Forums Forums Epistemology and Philosophy Is It Wrong To Feel Angry At God?


  • Is It Wrong To Feel Angry At God?

    Posted by Ali Javed on June 8, 2023 at 2:12 am


    I have been pondering on the topic of feeling anger towards Allah (SWT) and wanted to seek clarification. During times when everything in life crumbles, and one is abandoned by everyone, why can’t you blame everything on God? He made you and then tests you to an extent where it is difficult to bear.

    Patience is fickle and human beings are weak.

    We are not prophets, but mere people with emotions. None of us remember choosing this life, yet we will suddenly be able to on the Day of Judgement (7:172). How can He stack every odd against us? Why did He bother asking us to bear such tests, knowing that we won’t be able to take them (33:72)? Who really is unjust here? And if God is Most Just, then who makes said ‘justice’?

    And if it is wrong to be angry, then why can’t He take it? Why does He come across as so angry and misunderstanding towards human beings in the Quran?

    I do not mean to come across as hostile, but these questions seem to have no answers in my mind.


    Umer replied 1 year, 4 months ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
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