Just the way Quran 40:46 talks about punishment of Pharaoh and his followers as one extreme (People who openly rejected the message of a Rasul in this world and there is no need to wait for their accountaulity to happen on the day of judgement, therefore their punishment started right after their death). Simialrly, Quran 3:169 talks about the other extreme where true believers who gave up their lives in the way of Al-Mighty, they also have no need to wait for their accountability to happen on the day of judgement, and hence doors of blessings are opened on them from their Lord right after their death. These are the same poeple for whom it is mentioned in Quran 21:101-103 that these are the kind of people who will be welcomed on the day of judgement by the Angels and have no fear of any commotion of the day of judgement.
Quran Surah Tauba (Chaper 09) is the Surah of final decision of God in this world (including reward and punishment) which is a minor reflection of How Lord will deal with different people based on the nature of their deeds. And among the rejectors & the pious, there is a middle category of people who have mixed deeds (combination of both Good and bad). Quran 9:102 talks about the how Allah will deal with this category of people i.e. the way their matter has been deferred till the day of judgement, similarly, we can infer that they will not face any punishment or reward inside their grave right after their death, and their matter will be finalized after their accountability on the day of judgement.