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  • How Ibrahim (SWS) Did Not Interpret His Own Dream Despite Being A Prophet?

    Posted by Ahmad Zia Jamili on June 30, 2023 at 6:34 am

    I have read the following paragraph in Meezan under the Headline قربانی کی تاریخ that Sir Ghamidi Says ” قرآن کا بیان ہے کہ یہ جب باپ کے ساتھ دوڑنے پھرنے کی عمر کو پہنچے تو ابراہیم علیہ السلام نے خواب میں دیکھا کہ اُنھیں اللہ تعالیٰ کی طرف سے ہدایت ہو رہی ہے کہ اِس بیٹے کو اپنے پروردگار کی خاطر قربان کر دیں۔ یہ ہدایت اگرچہ خواب میں ہوئی تھی اور خواب کی باتیں تاویل و تعبیر کی محتاج ہوتی ہیں، چنانچہ اِس خواب کی تعبیر بھی یہی تھی کہ وہ بیٹے کو معبد کی خدمت کے لیے اللہ تعالیٰ کی نذر کر دیں۔اِس سے ہر گز یہ مقصود نہ تھا کہ وہ فی الواقع اُسے ذبح کر یں۔

    how could you explain that Ibrahim AS did know his dream? How can one believe a messenger of allah did not know what his lord wants from him, how? please elaborate it. who knows better than a prophet Lords commandments…

    Umer replied 1 year, 4 months ago 2 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • How Ibrahim (SWS) Did Not Interpret His Own Dream Despite Being A Prophet?

    Umer updated 1 year, 4 months ago 2 Members · 8 Replies
  • Umer

    Moderator July 3, 2023 at 4:26 am
  • Ahmad Zia Jamili

    Member July 4, 2023 at 12:52 am

    Thank you so much Dear Qureshi, it is explained well in the video…

  • Ahmad Zia Jamili

    Member July 26, 2023 at 4:24 pm

    غامدی صاحب کهتے هیں ابراهیم ع کے خواب کا مطلب هرگز یه نهیں تها که اسمعیل کو ذبح کریں

    تو سوال پیدا هوتا هے که پهر الله تعالی نے کیوں فرمایا که ابراهیم ع نے (اسمعیل کو ذبح کرنے پر) خواب سچ کر دکهایا اور ذبح کرنے کے لیے اسمعیل ع کے بجایے جانور بهیجا حالانکه غامدی صاحب بڑے زور و تآکید سے کها که خواب کا تعبیر هرگز ذبح کرنا نه تهاز

    • Umer

      Moderator July 29, 2023 at 8:10 am

      اس پر جوابی سوال یہ پیدا ہوتا ہے کہ خواب کا اصل مقصد حضرت اسماعیل علیہ السلام کی قربانی تھی تو اللہ تعالیٰ نے ایسا کیوں نہ ہونے دیا؟ جواب جو بھی ہو، ایک بات واضح ہے کہ خواب کا مقصد حضرت اسماعیل علیہ السلام کی حقیقی قربانی نہیں تھی۔

  • Ahmad Zia Jamili

    Member July 30, 2023 at 5:44 am

    پهر کیا ابراهیم ع نی غلط تعبیر لیا تها وحی کا؟

    جوابی سوال کا تو یه جواب بهی هوسکتاهی که ابراهیم ع نی تو حقیقی قربانی کی، (اور اوسنی تو چهری بهی چلادیا تا) طبری اس آیه (قد صدقت الروءیا) می لکهتاهی: التی آریناکها فی منامک بامرناک بذبح ابنک. و قوله (انا کذلک نجزی المحسنین) می لکهتاهی که : (انا کما جزیناک بطاعتنا یا ابراهیم،) یعنی جو الله نی کها آپ نی کیا پهر (کذلک نجزی الذین آحسنوا، و اطاعو امرنا…) الله نی ابراهیم که اطاعت کی بدله می اسی اسمعیل زنده عطا کیا اور بهیر ذبح هوا

    یعنی بهیر تو بعد می ذبح کیاگیا، ابراهیم ع کی اطاعت کی بدله می. ابرهیم نی چهیری چلایا پهر اسمعیل کی جگه بهیر ذبح هوا یا بعد می ذبح کیا؟ اور پهر (کذالک نجزی المحسنین…)

    سید ابوالاعلی مودود صافات 105 تفهیم القران می لکهتاهی که (یعنی هم نی تمهی یه تو نهین دکهایا تها که تم نی بیتی کو ذبح کردیا هی اور اس کی جان نکل گئی هی، بلکه یه دیکهایا تها که تم ذبح کر رهی هو- تو وه خواب تم نی پورا کر دیکهایا، اب همین تمهاری بچی کی جان لینی مطلوب نهین …)

    sorry for mistakes as Urdu and English is not my first language …hope you understand the points …

    • Umer

      Moderator July 30, 2023 at 1:19 pm

      Quran does not support this opinion because while narrating this incident, Quran clearly mentions that when Abraham laid down his son prostrate upon his temples for the purpose of Sacrifice then Allah called out to him, saying: “Abraham! You have fulfilled your dream.” This means that it was said to him before Ismael (sws) was actually sacrificed and then Quran says “We ransomed his son with a grand sacrifice.” This also points to the fact that actual sacrifice which happened was not of Prophet Ismael (sws).

      What Prophet Abraham (sws) did was the epitome of sacrifice which is the reality of sacrifice i.e. we offer animal sacrifice under the pretext that if we were asked to give our life for Allah then we will never hesitate to do so. Prophet Abraham (sws) was shown this reality of sacrifice in a dream (which means it was prone to some kind of interpretation because i) it was a dream ii) he was shown the reality of ibadah which is perfomed in the form of certain symbolic expressions, not in literal actions), but prophet Abraham (sws) instead of following the course of interpretation, followed the literal course where he was about to perform the ibadah of sacrifice in a real sense (which was not intended by God) but since what he was about to perfom was the real sacrifice in literal sense, so Allah praised him with words “قَدْ صَدَّقْتَ الرُّؤْيَا“. This does means that whatever was shown to Prophet Abaraham (sws), he fulfilled it literally (Keeping in mind that as per Quran this voice came to Prophet Abraham (sws) when he was about to do that, not after that).

  • Ahmad Zia Jamili

    Member July 31, 2023 at 5:32 am

    Regards, but still it is confusing comparatively, you mentioned that ” prophet Abraham (sws) instead of following the course of interpretation, followed the literal course where he was about to perform the ibadah of sacrifice in a real sense (which was not intended by God)” …. (not intended by God) means that Abraham misunderstood وحی and still god says قد صدقت الرویا, how could it be possible for prophet to misunderstand وحی, is it possible? if so, do we have reasons from Quran for it. is it not more rational comparatively as Sir Mawdodi says “یعنی هم نی تمهی یه تو نهین دکهایا تها که تم نی بیتی کو ذبح کردیا هی اور اس کی جان نکل گئی هی، بلکه یه دیکهایا تها که تم ذبح کر رهی هو(انی اذبحک)- تو وه خواب تم نی پورا کر دیکهایا، اب همین تمهاری بچی کی جان لینی مطلوب نهین …”

    • Umer

      Moderator July 31, 2023 at 2:28 pm

      how could it be possible for prophet to misunderstand وحی, is it possible?

      It is not possible for proper revelation (wahi) but as far as dreams are concerned then yes, it is possible for a Prophet to misinterpret a dream (i.e. the right term would be to choose to not interpret it and follow literal interpretation instead), but even if he follows that course for dreams shown by Allah, then He is under Allah’s constant protection where Allah sets his course right. Another example was when Prophet Muhamamd (sws) followed literal interpretation of his dream as mentioned in Quran Surah Fath (48:27) due to which He left for Umrah with his companions but the scheme of Allah was different at that time, and the dream actually related to a later time. Same is the case here, when Prophet Abraham (sws) followed literal interpretation of the dream, then Allah showed him the right purpose of that dream before any mistake would happen. This is the difference between dreams of an ordinary person and dreams of a Prophet.

      The notion that Abraham (sws) had actually sacrificed his son with his knife is not supported from words of the Quran (as mentioned above).

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