If you are seeking an official fatwa on inheritance distribution then please send complete information on the following link and the team will get back to you:
As a general principle, If there are only girls among the children of the deceased and there are children of the children with them, the inheritance will be divided as follows:
– If there are only girls among the children of the children along with one daughter alive, then after giving due share to the daughter (which is half), the rest of the inheritance from a total of two-third will be divided among the children of the children which are only girls. (i.e. Half of the two-third inheritance will go to the daughter and the remaining from that two-third will go to the granddaughters).
– If there are only boys or boys and girls both among the children of the children along with one daughter alive, then after giving due share to the daughter (which is half), the rest belongs to the children of the children. The same will be the case if the deceased has two or more Daughters alive instead of one. So, after giving two-thirds of the inheritance prescribed for the daughters, the rest will be given to the children of the children.
If a person eligible for an inheritance share leaves it in favor of another heir then it is their right which they gave up in favour of another person which is totally fine and they can do that.
This distribution is based on the following ijtihad of Prophet Muhammad (sws) as understood by Ghamidi Sahab:
یتیم پوتی کی وراثت