Punishment Of Bani-Israel And The Current Status Of Israel In The World
I have heard Ghamdi sahab say on many occasions including here (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EuW-x11HgsM&pp=ygUdQmFuaSBpc3JhZWwgcHVuaXNobWVudCBnaGFtZGk%3D) that Bani Israel have punishment until the day of judgment that they will be submissive under the Christians until the day of judgment. However, when I see in today’s world I see Israel and jewish lobby is so strong that the US president is submissive to them, US cannot even condemn Israel’s action on Gaza due to powerful jewish lobby, 200 countries of the world are spectators and can’t do anything. How is this being submissive? To me they seem to be ruling the world. Please help on this.
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