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  • How Do We Know It’S God’S Book?

    Posted by Yaver Javid on June 28, 2024 at 12:38 pm

    My mind is explode now. One one hand i fear god won’t spare me if I accepted islam without proof, on the other hand I don’t want to reject Islam.

    I have only a simple question that is that how do we know if it’s god speaking, couldn’t it be a third creation.

    My doubts are getting enhances by the concept of permanent hell. Can you throw somebody in hell forever? I can’t convince myself it’s just.

    Saad replied 4 days, 8 hours ago 2 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • How Do We Know It’S God’S Book?

    Saad updated 4 days, 8 hours ago 2 Members · 8 Replies
  • Saad

    Contributor June 28, 2024 at 1:00 pm

    This is how we know that it is Book of God:
    Discussion 1630

    Let’s just analyze all your issues piece by piece.

    1. Fear God that will not spare you if you accept Islam without proof.
    If you are talking about Allah, then you should understand Him a bit better. He only punishes like that if you know it’s Him and still trying to anger Him intentionally. Less than rebellious attitude is going to be spared, more likely than you think.

    2. If it is a third creation.
    Do you have proof? No. Then take the safer option and believe in what you are convinced of, even if partially.
    But suppose it is a third creation, now what? You can’t do anything in that situation. If the third creation is weak, you will simply die and rest in peace. If the third creation is powerful and is going to get you after death without giving you any warning then you are doomed either way and it is pointless to worry about it. But God did gave you a warning, focus on that, focus on the warning you do have, I advise.

    Although if you do analyze what this ‘third entity’ did to Israelite and Quraish based on history, you will know who it is.

    3. Permanent Hell.
    It’s not yet happened. You can worry about it being unjust when it happens in front of you. Judge it after God makes His case on Day of Judgment and do not sell the promise of God ensuring there will be no injustice, cheap. Do not. I repeat.

  • Saad

    Contributor June 28, 2024 at 1:01 pm

    • Yaver Javid

      Member June 28, 2024 at 2:55 pm

      My actual argument is in islam actual sin is arrogance. Isn’t it arrogance if I start saying what my heart isn’t believing.

      Also, why do I need evidence to prove it could be third creation. This doubt arose when i was a kid, and still it is clinged to me.

    • Saad

      Contributor June 28, 2024 at 3:05 pm

      If you are intellectually convinced by the arguments and you say so then that is being honest. Even if your feelings are different. But if you are not intellectually convinced and say so then you are not being honest, you need to evaluate why you believe in what you believe. Arrogance would be that you would just say “I don’t care about being convinced, I say whatever I feel like.”, this is not arrogance, just a case of honesty or dishonesty.

      You do need evidence to justify the doubt. Just because the doubt is old does not justify it as is the case with anything, something being ancient does not justify it. You need to make an argument what makes you think it’s a third creation, what creation even is it? What creation is it that built kingdoms for Israelite and Quraish as the revelations promised?

      Even if you call it another creation as you speculate and throw the narrative out of the window, how will you answer life’s issues? Do you not want to know where you came from? What happens after death? About morality, about desire for justice and immortality? That’s the point, Qur’an gives you the answer you seek, it is the answer you accept by default (even if you are not convinced), to throw all of this away, you need more than just a doubt, you need some evidence, something that makes you wanna go in the direction you are inclined to.

    • Yaver Javid

      Member June 28, 2024 at 3:07 pm

      I am not intellectually convinced.

      can i ask it to Ghamidi sahab

    • Saad

      Contributor June 28, 2024 at 3:22 pm

      If you are not intellectually convinced then continue seeking the truth and believe whatever you are convinced by, expect Paradise from God for being just to the truth you accept and indeed God will accept it. If you have questions, make another thread, ask it and we will answer it and help you on your journey.

      As for Ghamidi Sahab case, the video about Doubts about Faith (that I linked above) is his answer to these questions . And if you to want refresh the arguments about religion, I already linked a discussion (first one) in above post. Going through them again will help.

      But if you still want to ask him directly for personal satisfaction, go ahead.

    • Yaver Javid

      Member June 28, 2024 at 3:28 pm

      I’ve watched it before. I want to tell him these thing specifically. Also do you know if he is fine, they be not recording these days

    • Saad

      Contributor June 28, 2024 at 3:30 pm

      Upcoming Ask Ghamidi Event is on 30th June.

      Still you will only get 30 seconds to convey your point, I personally think he will give a general answer as before based on how briefly you will explain your case. But go ahead.

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