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  • Sumerian Mythology And The Holy Quran

  • Ahsan

    Moderator August 9, 2024 at 1:30 am

    Firstly, both are just informing without concrete evidence. So not sure, how truthful they are in their claims. I couldn’t find any credible link for this as well. The book reference on wikipedia, I have no access to it.
    Anyways, Lets assume its correct.

    Secondly, Quran is the last book revealed not the first one. Quran has already claimed that since the beginning the religion was same and division occurred because of humans. (For instance, see 2:213). I think it shouldnt be surprising, if same information, rituals etc are found in other religions’ books.

    Thirdly, Quran has provided little more detail that there are similar type of seven earth have also been created. (Please see Discussion 38096 for details) If you read similarities, you will find that the last revelation corrects the ancient information or giving new information showing some information was lost in time.

    In short, Quran delivers its message using lens of common people. Hence, it uses prevalent correct knowledge to make points for pondering. It should nt be surprising because God has been revealing its religion since the beginning. Its highly probable to find similar info in other religions. Please also see for Discussion 40677 • Reply 42560 similar sort of question

  • Ahsan

    Moderator August 14, 2024 at 1:48 am


  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar August 14, 2024 at 8:40 pm

    Not only the concept of seven heavens but also the stories of the first man and his wife in the heaven and their expulsion from it, the story of the flood, etc are found in almost all mythologies of different nations.

    It confirms that these came from the single source and it confirms the claim do the Qur’an and the Bible that divine religion was the same right from adam to Muhammad.

    The Qur’an is the last book of the religion God revealed to the first person.

    The variations in the details of the stories is understandable. It happens to oral narrations. But their similarities confirms their single origin.

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