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  • Halal Becomes Impermissible If Certainly It Will Cause Unintentional Sin?

    Posted by Mohammad Ali Soomro on August 22, 2024 at 12:26 pm

    Hello there, assallam u alaikum.

    my question is that will a halal action earn a sin, if the doer while doing it was certain that it will cause him to do a Haram thing unintentionally?

    For example, an atheist, who used to go to gym for years and as he used to have an excellent body, he used to feel feelings of pride and arrogance in him and he used to be filled with thinking that he’s superior than others and whenever he used to see a skinny man, he used to think “look at this poor stick, who can’t even lift 10kgs while i can lift 50kg with one hand, I’m the pride of manliness and these men are just disgrace to it” and other similar thoughts. his such thinking and feelings of pride are Haram and hated by Allah.

    Now as he became Muslim, he understands that such thinking and feelings of pride are Haram. whenever he goes to gym, he finds himself often falling into same feelings, then he realizes that it’s sin and he removes them. but everyday whenever he goes to gym, he goes into feelings of pride for a few minutes until he realizes what he is doing is sin and this thing happens 6-7 times everyday. now when he is going to gym he realizes that if he goes to gym today, he’ll again fall into Haram unintentionally for a few minutes until he gets reminded.

    Now as we know that an unintentional Haram is not harmful and no problem. but if someone knows that if he does something halal then he’ll certainly 100% cause himself to unintentionally fall into the Haram thing, the thing which his Lord doesn’t like that it happens, will this man be sinful for going to gym and exposing himself to certainly failing into unintentional Haram?

    Mohammad Ali Soomro replied 1 month ago 2 Members · 12 Replies
  • 12 Replies
  • Halal Becomes Impermissible If Certainly It Will Cause Unintentional Sin?

    Mohammad Ali Soomro updated 1 month ago 2 Members · 12 Replies
  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar August 23, 2024 at 4:06 am

    This has been discussed in detail before.

    You may refer to the previous answers.

    • Mohammad Ali Soomro

      Member August 23, 2024 at 4:13 am

      @Irfan76 sir i had some confusion and further i couldn’t find those answer. the previous similar thread was about sadd e zariya where there was a significant chance of a person falling into intentional sin.

      in this thread i wanted to ask that if it’s confirm that if a certain thing is done, shortly a Haram to happen thing will also occur in that man, so will he be held accountable for doing that halal thing?

      will he be questioned by Allah like “You knew that i had made it Haram to feel pride feelings, and you also knew that if you go to gym, you’ll certainly feel those feelings for a few minutes until you get reminded” so will that man be accountable if he goes to gym and as a result feels something that is Haram to feel unintentionally. will he be sinful for choosing to go to gym despite knowing the result?

  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar August 24, 2024 at 12:16 am

    Everything can lead to a haram thing. This is the test. One needs to avoid the haram result from a halal thing. If he commits a haram act the sin will be one of the haram act. If he is sure he cannot avoid a haram act he may choose not to adopt a halal thing. But he will be sinful one when he commits a haram act and will be sinful only for that act.

    • Mohammad Ali Soomro

      Member August 24, 2024 at 5:11 am

      @Irfan76 sir as you said

      “If he is sure he cannot avoid a haram act he may choose not to adopt a halal thing.”

      Sir if he is sure that the Haram act would happen, but it would happen unintentionally if it were to happen for a short burst of time, not intentionally. and as the moment he’ll realize that this feeling that he is feeling right now is pride, he’ll reject it. but the short span of 5-10 seconds where he stayed in the feelings of pride and didn’t realize what’s happening is actually a sin.

      so what he would be falling in would be sin, but unintentionally. if he’s sure that such event will certainly happen at any time, multiple times if he goes to gym. will he be sinful if when he this sin happens unintentionally? since he knew about it beforehand and could have avoided falling into this unintentional Haram by not going to gym?

  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar August 25, 2024 at 12:45 am

    Such unintentional thoughts are natural to occured. Humans cannot avoid them. To reject them is what is required. This the test they have to go through all the time. They are not supposed to avoid all the halal for such instant thoughts. It is not possible.

  • Mohammad Ali Soomro

    Member August 27, 2024 at 12:59 pm

    @Irfan76 sir as anything unintentional does not cause sin. and even if we do some halal action knowing certainly or near certain that an unintentional sin would happen, then still we don’t earn any sin even if that unintentional sin occurs, neither for the sinful action neither for doing halal action while knowing that such thing will be caused

    so I wanted to ask 2 examples

    1 – As we know that if someone says words of kufr to save his life, then this haram is not counted as sin, similar to an unintentional sin. So if for example there’s 2 highways from city A to city B. And one of the smaller and easier highway (H1) is controlled by a tyrant tribal leader, who catches anyone who passes by this highway and then makes them utter words of kufr for the sparing of their lives and the one who doesn’t says it is shot dead. Now Ahmad wants to go to city B from A. he knows that if he goes through H1 he’ll be made to say küfr words. the other highway (H2) is a little longer and it would take more petrol to take that highway. so if he goes through (H1) highway while knowing about tribal leader, and then he gets caught and is made to say küfr words… will he be sinful for going through this highway?

    2 – A tyrant ruler of a city makes everyone who goes out of city, say küfr words or get killed. Ahmad is a citizen of that city.

    – one time he goes out of city to get his father’s expensive medicine from outside

    – Then he has to again go out of city to work as he works in an office that is located out of city

    – And in evening he plans to go out of city because their is no gym in his small city and he drives to another city 30 mins, to go to gym.

    – he then plans for next day to go out of city to buy some new clothes for his children.

    Here will he be Islamically required to not go out for purposes of gym? buying new clothes? and for office? I mean will he be Islamically required to minimize his travel as much as possible? and if he goes out of city for purposes like getting new clothes or for gym, then will he be sinful when he gets caught up by ruler and is forced to say words of kufr?

  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar August 27, 2024 at 11:16 pm

    Accept my apology. I won’t answer the hypothetical questions. If you have a real question you can ask it here.

  • Mohammad Ali Soomro

    Member August 27, 2024 at 11:23 pm

    @Irfan76 I understand sir, i just got this thought and was getting a little worried that if Ahmad in this example 2 is required Islamically to minimize his travel to avoid unintentional sin, then will it be analogous to the person, who knows he’ll gets pride instant thoughts

    – if he goes to gym

    – if he drives his expensive car in a less developed city

    – if he buys a clothes of expenses and good quality material.

    will this man also be Islamically required to minimize himself and take things as less as he can, to minimize falling into unintentional sin of pride feelings?

  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar August 27, 2024 at 11:30 pm

    A halal action does not become haram due to a sinful thought. It is the sinful thought that needs to be avoided. If someone believes they cannot avoid sinful thoughts or behavior, they may choose to refrain from using something that is halal.

    • Mohammad Ali Soomro

      Member August 27, 2024 at 11:46 pm

      @Irfan76 and sinful thought needing to be avoided is meant that we only are required to do not dwell on these feelings deliberately, and this what is totally required. we are not Islamically required to avoid that halal action because of instantaneous thoughts… and we are only required to try to remove the thought as much as we can once we realize it’s there, am I right sir?

      and sir as you said

      “If someone believes they cannot avoid sinful thoughts or behavior, they may choose to refrain from using something that is halal.”

      what I understand is you meant as sinful thought or act which is somewhat deliberate and intentional, But you are not not talking about unintentional sin here right sir?

      in summary, if a person thinks that he will surely fall into a haram thought/behavior but it be only unintentional, so here he is allowed to leave the halal action but he’s NOT REQUIRED to leave it… And if he does that halal action and later on does fall into that Haram thought/behavior unintentionally, then he would still not be sinful at all. am I right sir?

  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar August 28, 2024 at 11:42 pm

    Right. You always know the right answer. So you should ask yourself first.

  • Mohammad Ali Soomro

    Member August 29, 2024 at 4:36 am

    @Irfan76 sir I sometimes do reach the right answer and sometimes I do reach the wrong answer thinking it to be right. so even when I sometimes reach an answer that I feel is right, various other aspects make me feel question in mind that whether I’m correct or not. especially in matter of religious concepts and thoughts, I feel like my sensitivity makes me so restless and I ponder over things extra deep, more than a normal person and then more things I find that make me question that “what if this thing is not permissible keeping such or such principle in mind” then while doubting it I find something another than makes me think, will this principle make it impermissible? etc etc like this

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