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  • Mansur Al Hallaj And Other Sufis

    Posted by Taimur Mughal on August 26, 2024 at 1:16 pm

    Question is :

    I read about mansur al hallaj , a sufi who got executed because he was saying an al haq which they say it means I am the truth ; which indirectly I suppose he was saying that I am God.

    Basically he was saying that God is actually residing in us or that there is nothing but God and we are His light.

    Now this our ulama say its wahdat al wujood. Is this according to Quran and correct hadiths correct? Soem people say normal ulama don’t understand this so leave it. But I can’t help and I think about it a lot.

    So was he right? I read about his story and it says other sufi were saying he knows the truth but his sin was that he was telling this to common people which is not allowed in sharia. It’s a secret gift of knowledge to those who have reached very closesness to God. Is this right in islam?

    Because I have read now a lot about this concept and I am starting to think perhaps they are right because it is making sense to me. But on the other hand some verses of Quran do not allow me to believe it fully.

    But on the other hand I am just an average quran reader and I dont know a lot about it.

    So can you shed light upon this matter ? And what can an average muslim do when eh come across such stuff?

    Jazakumullah khair.

    Dr. Irfan Shahzad replied 5 months, 3 weeks ago 2 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies

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