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  • Following All The Orders But Within Ease And Purity

    Posted by Amin Ansar on September 1, 2024 at 8:38 am

    God tells us in the Quran to enter the region in full as in following all the orders but what about the extent? Do those verses also mean that one should follow the orders to the full extent? I don’t mean here that let’s say I am not gonna steal something significant but I will steal little things. I will not steal even the little things that aren’t of significance. But the problem occurs when I just start thinking and examining even little things to make sure I follow all the orders and if I try to let go, I am reminded of the verses I am talking about. Also, the same goes for the verses that tell us to do something in plenty such as sending blessings upon Prophet, like how much? Is doing so in 5 daily prayers considered plenty? And something like not laughing at people, I mean yes, I know when laughing at people is evil so I definitely don’t do that in that case but sometimes I find something funny in someone (not in an evil way) like we do with our friends and if I laugh, I am reminded of the verses and then I start talking about that should I follow that verse to such an extent. Similarly racial jokes, I know when it is evil to mock someone based on their race but in some cases I don’t feel anything wrong in laughing at racial jokes but the doubt is created because I don’t know the full extent I should follow the order of not laughing at racial jokes. You see what I mean?

    I can certainly follow all the orders but it takes away ease when trying to follow the orders to the full extent, I overthink a lot about little things. I prayed to God to provide me with ease and I came up with the rule that I will follow all the orders as far as I don’t feel impure for the sake of ease and leave the rest on God, that He pardons me, and guides me if I missed something. I just want ease and flexibility in life and don’t want to feel like I am in jail, especially considering my extreme stress disorder that has stopped my life from progressing because I am in constant fear of God being unhappy with me that I am trying to come up with such rules even though they are just to make me feel at ease, I don’t want to commit any major sins, I would love to improve further but it is difficult and want to leave the rest on God.

    But I keep getting disturbed by the thoughts that the verse that tells us to follow the religion in full might be against my rule. I also keep getting doubts.

    I am posting this to have that final reassurance that I am in the right direction to get rid of the doubts that keep coming up again and again

    Amin Ansar replied 3 weeks, 6 days ago 1 Member · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Following All The Orders But Within Ease And Purity

    Amin Ansar updated 3 weeks, 6 days ago 1 Member · 2 Replies
  • Amin Ansar

    Member September 1, 2024 at 8:55 am

    Another problem is when I find something imperfect. For example, I am strongly against deceiving others, and in my business, marketing, I have to constantly use principles that make people buy from my client’s business and when doing so, I come across doubts about morality-related imperfections that make me think and feel that I am deceiving others.

    As an example, I want to create a brand for my agency. The brand should give feelings of authority and expertise, I also want to have similar attitude when talking to the clients so that they trust me and think of me as an expert. But in reality I don’t feel like I am expert in my field, I might be but I am more likely not. And so, creating such a brand gives me a feeling that I might be deceiving others that I am not an expert but I am taking upon this persona of being an expert. So, I have two choices: Behave with clients in a way that they know I am not an expert thus losing work or just let go of this as my gut instinct is not giving me the same cues as when I am clearly deceiving others for example: On the sales page telling that the phone has 120gb storage but in reality it only has 30gb, I clearly know this is deception and I will not even come close to such a sin but this feels vastly different than the other, brand-related example I gave

  • Amin Ansar

    Member September 1, 2024 at 9:25 am

    I want the maximum amount of ease I can have

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