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Hazrat Umar (rta) Dropped A Door On Hazrat Fatima (rta)
Posted by Ali Rafay on September 19, 2024 at 5:09 pmاسلام وعلیکم!
میرا سوال یہ ہے کہ میں نے اکثر شیعہ علماء اور ذاکرین سے یہ واقع سنا ہے کہ۔ حضرت عمر رض نے حضرت فاطمتہ رض پر دروازا گرایا تھا۔ اس پر وہ اہلسنت کی احادیث کی کتابوں سے دلائل بھی دیتے ہیں ۔ مجھے یہ جاننا تھا کہ اس واقع میں کتنی سچائی ہے ۔
Umer replied 5 months, 3 weeks ago 3 Members · 3 Replies -
3 Replies
Hazrat Umar (rta) Dropped A Door On Hazrat Fatima (rta)
Dr. Irfan Shahzad
Scholar September 19, 2024 at 8:07 pmیہ محض افسانہ ہے۔ اس کی کوئی حقیقت نہیں۔
Ali Rafay
Member September 20, 2024 at 2:00 am -
Moderator September 21, 2024 at 2:25 amThere is criticism on this narration of Musannaf Ibn-e-Abi Shaybah that it has a suspended chain. The primary narrator of this chain “Aslam – the freed slave of Umar (rta)” was not present in Medina at the time of this alleged incident because Umar (rta) had him at the end of 11th Hijri or start of 12th Hijri when he was sent by Abu Bakr (rta) to lead the Hajj. And this was after the alleged incident with Fatima (rta).
Ibn-e-Saad (d:230H) writes:
مولى عمر بن الخطاب ويكنى أبا زيد.
أخبرنا محمد بن عمر قال: حدثنى هشام بن سعد، عن زيد بن أسلم، عن أبيه قال: اشترانى عمر بن الخطاب سنة اثنتى عشرة
“Aslam. Mawla of Omar bin Al-Khattab, kuniyat Abu Zaid. Muhammad bin Omar told us: Hisham bin Saad told me, on the authority of Zaid bin Aslam, on the authority of his father (Aslam), who said: Omar bin Al-Khattab bought me in the year twelve (Hijri).”
(Tabqaat Al-Kubra) (7/11) (First Edition) (الناشر: مكتبة الخانجي، القاهرة – مصر)
Bukhari (d:256H) writes:
وقال لي محمد بن مهران، عن محمد بن سلمة، عن ابن إسحاق: بعث أبو بكر عمر بن الخطاب سنة إحدى عشرة، فأقام للناس الحج، وابتاع فيها أسلم
“Muhammad bin Mahran told me on the authority of Muhammad bin Salamah on the authority of Ibn Ishaq: Abu Bakr sent Umar bin Al-Khattab in the year eleven, and he performed the Hajj for the people, and Aslam bought in that year.“
(Tarikh Al-Kabeer) (2/322) (First Edition) (الناشر: الناشر المتميز للطباعة والنشر والتوزيع، الرياض)
This narration is primarily narrated in:
Musannaf Ibn-e-Abi Shaybah (d:235H) – 7/432 (First Edition) (الناشر: (دار التاج – لبنان)، (مكتبة الرشد – الرياض)، (مكتبة العلوم والحكم – المدينة المنورة))
But if what has been reported in this narrarion or any other similar narration is true to any extent, then it is also understandable. Umar (rta) made sure that not even the slightest whiff of conspiracy or rebellion should be smelled by any Muslim, right after the Ummah united on Abu Bakr (rta). Fatima (rta), Ali (rta) and Zubair (rta) were very big names and people had special attachment with Fatima (rta) because of Prophet Muhammad (sws). On the other hand, Umar (rta) had his own strong position among Muslims. Therefore, if any harsh step was taken by Umar (rta) to make them realize of their mistake then it is understandable. And he did all that while respecting the status of Fatima (rta). And this narration is itself a witness that this act of Umar (rta) proved fruitful and resulted in unity of Ummah.
These narrations are not verbatim historical reportings, therefore we can only extract a general idea of what might have unfolded. We can never know the exact exchange of words which happened at that time. And because of the piety of Sahaba testified in Quran, we should never assume any ill intention on the part of any Sahabi.
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