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Forums Forums Sources of Islam Why Would Anyone Have To Be Rebellious Or Arrogant To Commit Minor Sins?

  • Why Would Anyone Have To Be Rebellious Or Arrogant To Commit Minor Sins?

    Posted by Amin Ansar on September 20, 2024 at 8:20 pm

    There are threads on this site as well as the rest of the internet where scholars are giving opinions regarding minor sins that make no sense and make things more difficult than otherwise intended by God.

    Minor sins are always minor. If one commits them knowing that they are minor and that God doesn’t punish him for doing the minor sins, where is arrogance or rebelliousness in this? To me, bringing rebelliousness and arrogance into this makes one to be too much afraid of minor sins as well which I don’t think is intended as this makes one too cautious and burdened.

    So, minor sins are always minor. when there is no need to be rebellious in order to commit them, there is no rebelliousness or arrogance.

    An example is watching porn. Ghamidi sir gave such a strong argument regarding this that it starts to look like some major sin. If God has strictly forbidden adultery because it makes it difficult to keep your family intact, then giving same reasoning to stop watching porn makes it equal to adultery which makes no sense to me. He could have simply told the viewers that watching porn is biologically very harmful and people will just stop watching it based on that but the strict religious argument he gave, made this look like a major sin.

    Or am I missing something? Please clarify regarding this matter. Thank you

    Umer replied 5 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Why Would Anyone Have To Be Rebellious Or Arrogant To Commit Minor Sins?

    Umer updated 5 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • Umer

    Moderator September 22, 2024 at 9:21 pm

    This strictness is on the basis of sadd-e-zariya. Because if we get relaxed about watching porn as a minor sin, then people will ignore the second aspect of this prohibition, which is sadd-e-zariya i.e. to stop people from getting addicted to porn which would not only encourage them to do adultery but also negate the instituion of marriage.

    There are two aspects to porn that need to be kept in mind:

    i) Porn being an extension to Fawahish.

    ii) Porn being a doorway to Zina or when spoken in a broader sense, being a doorway to Fawahish.

    Therefore, If by Haram one means whether watching porn should be refrained from or not? then yes, one should refrain from watching such content (both as Sadd-e-Zariya for Zina or Fawahish and to refrain from Fawahish of any sort, even if it is an extension). And if by Haram one means whether it is a major sin like committing Zina or a minor sin, then latter would be more appropriate categorization for watching porn. This distinction was important to make, since word Haram is often misconstrued as a Major Sin among muslims now a days.

  • Umer

    Moderator September 22, 2024 at 9:26 pm

    Relaxation towards minor sins has potential where it could start developing a psychological sense of trangression in a person, gradually and subtly, which could result in an actual transgession by the person. Therefore, keeping this in mind, no scholar or a student of religion should ever encourage commitment of minor sins. Instead, they should always strictly prohibit them on grounds of Sadd-e-Zariya without calling them major sins but with disclaimer that one day such an attitude may lead to an actual major sin. So a Muslim should keep a constant check on himself.

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