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  • Ghusl Over Braided Hair For Women

    Posted by Saba Bilal on September 28, 2024 at 11:19 pm

    Assalam o Alaikum,

    My question relates to if it permissible to to do ghusl over hair braided for women who fear hair damage and hair fall. Also is it okay in such a case that the inner strands or tips of the hair are remain dry ? For example if put 3 handfuls of water over my head and then proceed to ghusl with shower head while avoiding the wet (but not completely soaked) braid, is it proper or improper ?. Also can I make braid just before ghusl as usually my bound hair are in a low bun or ponytail ?

    Umme Salamah (ra) says I asked, “O Prophet of Allah (pbuh), I am a woman who ties braids in my head. Shall I break them open for ghusl of janabah (islamic bath to be free from major impurities)?” The Prophet (pbuh) said, “No, it is sufficient for you to throw water over your head three times. Thereafter, you are to pour water over your body and thus obtain the state of purity” (Muslim)

    Obaid ibn Omair (ra) states, the news came to Aisha (ra) that Abdullah ibn Omar (ra) was instructing women to open the hair of their heads when taking a ghusl. Aisha (ra) stated (in disagreement), “Why does he not instruct the women to shave the hair of their heads? The Prophet (pbuh) and I would use the same basin to take a ghusl and I would not pour water more than thrice on my head” (Muslim)

    Though these hadiths exist, I still read fatwas regarding u need to completely soak your hair even in a braid,though at least to me, it seem a little counterintuitive since the leniency seems to be hint towards preservation of hair health especially in the Hadith regarding Hasrat Aisha(RA).

    Additional question: is using a shampoo necessary if u use silicone conditioners or serums that otherwise do not make your hair look unclean and blend in with the hair to give a healthy appearance ?

    These may seem like silly questions for some but for a lot of women it deeply affects their self esteem especially if u have dry damaged hair so I would appreciate a detailed answer.


    Dr. Irfan Shahzad replied 5 months, 1 week ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Ghusl Over Braided Hair For Women

  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar September 30, 2024 at 12:40 am

    The hadith is explicit. In its presence, the fatwas should not bother you. Women are not required to untie their hair while having bath.

  • Saba Bilal

    Member September 30, 2024 at 12:58 am

    Then the interpretation that not all the hair ( except the roots) needs to be soaked correct ? Also the question about the hair serums with silicones and oil requiring use of shampoo to get off even though they do look like visible dirt in the hair ?

  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar October 2, 2024 at 9:27 am

    When it is said that the women need not to untie their hair, it obviously maintains its results like the roots might not get socked or some first stays there, are deliberately ignored to give ease. Which the the fundamental principle of worship rituals.

    God says, He intends to make it easy for you and doesn’t intend to make it difficult for you.

    And that He did not make hardship in religion for you.

    By adding such details, which you mentioned, the ease is removed again with difficulty.

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