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Forums Forums Sources of Islam Hadith "As The Nation Is, So Shall The Rulers Be Imposed Upon It" Authentic?

  • Hadith "As The Nation Is, So Shall The Rulers Be Imposed Upon It" Authentic?

    Posted by Arsalan Riaz on October 6, 2024 at 11:41 pm

    ایک روایت ہے کہ

    ” جیسی قوم ہو گی ویسے ہی حکمران اس پر مسلط کر دئے جائیں گے”.

    اس کو حضور صلی اللّٰہ علیہ وسلم کے ساتھ منسوب کیا جاتا ہے۔ کیا آپ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کی ایسی کوئی حدیث موجود ہے یا یہ من گھڑت روایت ہے؟

    Arsalan Riaz replied 4 months, 2 weeks ago 4 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Hadith "As The Nation Is, So Shall The Rulers Be Imposed Upon It" Authentic?

    Arsalan Riaz updated 4 months, 2 weeks ago 4 Members · 6 Replies
  • Ahsan

    Moderator October 7, 2024 at 12:28 am

    This hadith is available in Musnad Al-Firdaws.
    Many scholars including ibne Hajar and Albani consider this hadith weak based on chain of narrations.
    However scholars has justified it via Quran verse 6:129

  • Arsalan Riaz

    Member October 7, 2024 at 8:43 am

    What’s Ghamidi sahb or his school of thought’s view on it?

  • Ahsan

    Moderator October 8, 2024 at 12:04 am

    As far as I know, Ghamidi sb donot believe in this statement. Perhaps @UmerQureshi sb can give better information.

    However, the verse is explained in different way by Farahi school. According to Molana Islahi

    شیاطین کے تسلط کی علت: ’وَکَذٰلِکَ نُوَلِّیْ بَعْضَ الظّٰلِمِیْنَ بَعْضًا‘ الایۃ یہ اشارہ ہے اس بات کی طرف جو اوپر ’یٰمَعْشَرَ الْجِنِّ قَدِ اسْتَکْثَرْتُمْ مِّنَ الْاِنْسِ‘ کے ٹکڑے میں مذکور ہوئی اور ’وَلّٰی‘، ’’تولیۃ فلانا الامر‘ کے معنی ہیں فلاں کو اس پر حاکم، والی اور قابض بنا دیا اور اس پر مسلط کر دیا۔ مطلب یہ ہے کہ یہ جو شیاطین جن نے بے شمار انسانوں پر اپنا تسلط جما لیا تو اس کی وجہ یہ نہیں ہے کہ ان شیاطین کو انسانوں پر اختیار ملا ہوا تھا بلکہ اس کا سبب خود ان کے اعمال ہوئے ہیں۔ انھوں نے خدا کی ہدایت چھوڑ کر اپنی خواہشات و بدعات کی پیروی کی۔ نتیجہ یہ ہوا کہ یہ شیطان کے پیرو بن گئے اور اللہ تعالیٰ کا قاعدہ یہ ہے کہ جو لوگ شیاطین کے پیرو بن جاتے ہیں ان پر وہ شیاطین کو مسلط کر دیتا ہے۔ ظالمین سے مراد یہاں کفر و شرک کی راہ اختیار کرنے والے ہیں۔ یہ مضمون پوری تفصیل سے پیچھے بھی گزر چکا ہے اور آگے بھی مختلف شکلوں میں بیان ہو گا۔

  • Maliha

    Member October 8, 2024 at 4:20 am

    I am just thinking about this from political perspective and recently been observed that some nations becoming more conservative resulting in very conservative governments after fair and transparent elections. As we say what you vote in ballet box that you will see in your parliament.

  • Umer

    Moderator October 8, 2024 at 7:30 am

    This narration is extremely weak and it comes to us via Two primary variants of Chain.

    And the Hadith is narrated as:

    كما تكونون يولى عليكم أو كما يؤمر عليكم

    As you are, so shall you be ruled, or as you are commanded.”


    كما تكونوا يولى عليكم

    As you are, so will you be governed.”

    Variant 1:

    Al-Daylami (d:509H) narrated it in Musnad al-Firdaws: 3/305 No. 4918 on the authority of Yahya ibn Hashim, on the authority of Yunus ibn Abi Ishaq, on the authority of his father, on the authority of his grandfather, on the authority of Abi Bakra, with a chain of transmission traceable back to the Prophet.

    Al-Bayhaqi (d:458H) in Shuab al-Iman: 6/22-23 No. 7391 on the authority of Yahya ibn Hashim, on the authority of Yunus ibn Abi Ishaq, on the authority of Abu Ishaq, with a mursal chain. And Bayhaqi wrote afterward: “This is disconnected and its narrator is Yahya ibn Hashim, who is weak”.

    Al-Shawkani (d:1250H) wrote in al-Fawaid al-Majmuah: 1/194 No. 624: “Its chain of transmission is weak and there is a break in it”.

    Shiekh Albani (d:1420H) wrote: “Yahya is among those who fabricate”, (See Ad-Daifah: 1/490-491 No. “320”.)


    Variant 2:

    It was narrated by Ibn Jamii As-Saydawi (d:402H) in Muajam al-Shuyukh: 1/149. Narrated by Muhammad ibn Yusuf from Abu al-Muthanna from Muhammad ibn Yahya and al-Karmani ibn Amr from Mubarak bin Fazala to whom this report reached from Hassan (Basri) to whom this report reached from Abi Bakra who reported this from Prophet Muhammad.

    It was also narrated by al-Qudai (d:454H) in Musnad al-Shihab: 1/336-337 No. “577” on the authority of Ahmad ibn Ibrahim ibn Uthman ibn al-Muthanna Abu al-Muthanna al-Bahili, that his father and his uncle Muhammad ibn Yahya told him: Al-Karmani ibn Amr told from Mubarak bin Fazala to whom this report reached from Hassan (Basri) to whom this report reached from Abi Bakra who reported this from Prophet Muhammad.

    Ibn Hajar (d:852H) wrote in Takhrij Hadith Al-Kashaf (4/25): “In its chain of transmission to Mubarak there are unknown people“.

    Shiekh Albani (d:1420H) wrote: “Ibn Tahir said: Even if Mubarak is mentioned with some weakness, the accusation is on the one who narrated it from him, for there are some unknown people among them“. (See Ad-Daifah: 1/490-491 No. “320”.)

  • Arsalan Riaz

    Member October 9, 2024 at 2:23 am


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