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Forums Forums General Discussions Do I Have To Repect People Even If They Are Oppressors?

  • Do I Have To Repect People Even If They Are Oppressors?

    Posted by Muhammad Ubaidullah on October 16, 2024 at 3:26 pm

    My father died 15 years ago(2009) and after his death my uncles did lot of oppression on my mother and my grandfather including physical violence, they are full of arrogance and pride. They were very disobedient to their parents. They are very pugnacious and quarrelsome too.

    But occasionally I have to meet them and sometimes have to deal with them in certain matters so, is it mandatory for me to respect them or being disrespectful towards them will not have any negative consequences in the after world?

    • Jazak’Allah
    Dr. Irfan Shahzad replied 21 hours, 29 minutes ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Do I Have To Repect People Even If They Are Oppressors?

  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar October 17, 2024 at 12:56 am

    The Quran allows repaying evil with evil, but being patient is preferred.

    وَ الَّذِیۡنَ اِذَاۤ اَصَابَہُمُ الۡبَغۡیُ ہُمۡ یَنۡتَصِرُوۡنَ ﴿۳۹﴾

    وَ جَزٰٓؤُا سَیِّئَۃٍ سَیِّئَۃٌ مِّثۡلُہَا ۚ فَمَنۡ عَفَا وَ اَصۡلَحَ فَاَجۡرُہٗ عَلَی اللّٰہِ ؕ اِنَّہٗ لَا یُحِبُّ الظّٰلِمِیۡنَ ﴿۴۰﴾

    وَ لَمَنِ انۡتَصَرَ بَعۡدَ ظُلۡمِہٖ فَاُولٰٓئِکَ مَا عَلَیۡہِمۡ مِّنۡ سَبِیۡلٍ ﴿ؕ۴۱﴾

    اِنَّمَا السَّبِیۡلُ عَلَی الَّذِیۡنَ یَظۡلِمُوۡنَ النَّاسَ وَ یَبۡغُوۡنَ فِی الۡاَرۡضِ بِغَیۡرِ الۡحَقِّ ؕ اُولٰٓئِکَ لَہُمۡ عَذَابٌ اَلِیۡمٌ

    And those who take revenge only when they are oppressed; because the recompense of evil is the same evil.

    Then he who forgave and reformed matters, his reward rests with God. Indeed, God does not like the unjust.

    And take note that those who have been oppressed and they took revenge after it, then it is they who have no blame on them.

    Blame is on those only who are unjust and show rebelliousness in the land without any justification. It is these people for whom there is a painful torment.

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