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Forums Forums Epistemology And Philosophy Existential Questions: Vast Universe, Its Fine Tuning And Trial And Error

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  • Existential Questions: Vast Universe, Its Fine Tuning And Trial And Error

    Posted by HAMMAD KHAN on November 17, 2024 at 2:36 pm

    1) What is the point of god creating the universe so big , we r just a dot. There are millions and trillions of galaxies .

    2) IS the universe really perfect for us ? Referring to the fine tuning argument.

    3) what if that actually what we tend to believe that the universe is perfect but what if the reality is the it just that we are able to survive here the universe is just as it is , it’s not perfect but actually we r able to survive? Or we see so many plantes I know we haven’t seen all of them we might never know also but whatever we saw according to that we may say that the earth which we see is just a product of trail and error ? What I mean here is that all other planets with diff environment were not suitable for us but after so many planets earth was the one where life can life?

    Umer replied 3 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
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