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Forums Forums Epistemology And Philosophy Does Intentionally Doing Minor Sins Make A Person Rebellious?

  • Does Intentionally Doing Minor Sins Make A Person Rebellious?

    Posted by Daniyaa Khan on November 21, 2024 at 4:18 pm



    Question is, Respected Javed Ahmad Ghamidi Sahib has explained rebellion (sarkashi) in this video. Does his response imply that if minor sins are committed repeatedly and intentionally (not out of emotional influence at a certain moment but knowingly and deliberately), then would it be considered rebellion? And would such a person be labeled as rebellious?

    Because minor sins are inherently minor, if a person consciously avoids major sins and makes an effort not to commit them, but isn’t overly cautious about minor sins and commits them intentionally, is that considered rebellion? Person try to do good deeds and try to follow deen will these minor sins make him rebellion.

    The intent behind this question is not to justify committing minor sins or to suggest that this behavior is acceptable. Every person should strive to avoid even minor sins. However, I believe it is important to clarify this principle. Otherwise, minor sins might also be considered not minor, and rebellion is a major sin.

    If a person is avoiding major sins, will Allah forgive their minor sins? Allah knows that they are making an effort to avoid major sins. So, if they aren’t cautious about minor sins, will they still be held accountable?

    People vary in their levels of religious observance—some follow religion very strictly, some moderately, and others only as much as is obligatory or essential. Therefore, if there is someone who avoids major sins but intentionally commits minor sins thinking that Allah will forgive them as long as they avoid major sins, does that count as rebellion? Because of that person will be hell bound and then what will be the difference between major sin and minor sin. This become very strict and What is the benefit of striving to avoid major sins if, ultimately, one can still deserve the same punishment due to minor sins?

    Or has Ghamidi Sahib only explained rebellion in this video and not related it to committing minor sins?

    Is this understanding correct? Kindly clarify. Once again, this question is intended to clear my thoughts and develop understanding. Although every Muslim should strive to avoid minor sins, this clarification is important for comprehension.


    Umer replied 2 months, 3 weeks ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Does Intentionally Doing Minor Sins Make A Person Rebellious?

  • Umer

    Moderator December 2, 2024 at 12:35 am

    The question is that a Muslim who is avoiding Major Sins consciously, can he/she intentionally commit minor sins on this assumption that they will be forgiven? I think this is not possible psychologically for a person who is so conscious so as to avoid such major sins to commit minor sins consciously. Both these actions are their own antithesis.

    When we breakdown the actions of a Muslim who has actually committed minor sins and refrained from major sins, we always find that such sins are not committed idependently, rather there always lies an emotional factor i.e. ‘being overwhelmed with emotions‘. The person gave in to emotions at that moment which resulted in a minor sin as opposed to major sins. What can be said is that allowance is given for this slip up when it comes to a minor sin (subject to some conditions) or we can say that conditions to seek forgiveness are very different between minor sins and major sins.

    Now theoretically speaking about a Muslim who has just consciously decided to not bother about minor sins but will refrain from major sins, it may not be “Sarkashi” or “Rebellion” per se but intentional repetition of a sin may be an indication of an attitude of arrogance which a person should keep in check or it has potential to lead to Sarkashi. Relaxation towards minor sins has potential where it could start developing a psychological sense of trangression in a person, gradually and subtly, which could result in an actual transgession by the person.

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