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  • Can Man Really Escape This Test?

    Posted by Muhammad Mehboob Mughal on November 22, 2024 at 10:58 pm


    I once heard Sir Javaid Ahmed Ghamidi on his old program that he used to do with Awais Iqbal. can’t remember the exact lecture, or reference. but Sir Ghamidi answered Awais Iqbal that “if a man decides that he wants no part of jannah, and he prays to Allah that give me all that is for me in this dunya. then Allah will grant him all the wealth and benefits and blessings in this dunya. right here, right now.” ( agar insaan khara ho jaay, or qaamil iraady k saath Allah k huzoor khara ho jaay. k Allah mujhy aakhirat main koi hissa nahi chahiay, to Allah usay is dunya main hi us k hissay ka maal-o-zeenat aata farmaa dy ga. )

    so that question that i have, what is the source/reference of this inference that Ustad Ghamidi did? can you quote the exact source?

    And if so then what will be the implications of this breaking away from the covenant. the covenant of alast, the covenant of observing God’s commandment. Would he be needing to abide by the teachings of islam ( namaz rozaa etc ). or is he free now. free from the trials and tribulations. free from the sanctions of islam. has God let him go off of his obligations?

    and what will be to him at the day of judgement? is he gonna get annihilated into nothingness or is he gonna go to hell?

    the question is: is it really possible to break the covenant? is it really possible to escape this worldly test. and what will be the implications?

    Muhammad Mehboob Mughal replied 2 months, 2 weeks ago 2 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Can Man Really Escape This Test?

  • Ahsan

    Moderator November 25, 2024 at 6:02 am

    As mentioned in following verse, there will be no portion in hereafter. I also think Ghamidi sb was referring to this verse.

  • 42:20: “Whoever desires the gain of this world, We give him of it, and in the hereafter he has no portion

  • Muhammad Mehboob Mughal

    Member November 29, 2024 at 9:28 am

    Thank you for the reply. really appreciated.

    Now the 2nd part of my question is still unanswered. Sure they will not have portion in Jannah in the hereafter. but what about hell?

    Is he gonna get annihilated into nothingness, or turned into some other creation like angel, or gonna go to hell? is he doomed? or is he gonna be neutral?

    Assume that the man has never committed any major crime towards the community. never committed a murder or a theft etc. And has been nice to everyone. help the needy, cared about others, and fulfilled all his social and relational responsibilities to the best of his knowledge.

  • Ahsan

    Moderator November 29, 2024 at 11:05 pm

    Only God knows their fate. No one can predict what will be the outcome on judgment day, even to myself.

  • Muhammad Mehboob Mughal

    Member December 7, 2024 at 2:46 am

    So basically, what you are saying is, that we don’t know whether this kind of divorcing method suggested in Quran is whether good or bad.

    Whether it is liked by the God, or is he indifferent about such a divorce or is it unwanted by the God. like he does not want you to do that, but yeah it is a way out. just like suicide. is it just a sarcasm or is it a genuine suggestion of divorce, for someone who is afraid who is anxious about this test of life now. and wants a way out.

    The intent, the mood, the suggestive nature of God is unclear. 42:20 This Quranic verse is unclear.

    Is this what you are saying?

    I am not asking about a specific case, I am not asking about whether a particular person will end up in hell or not. I am not asking about what actually God will do to someone at the day of judgement day. no. He can forgive even the worst of the people if he wants. I already know that.

    I am only inquiring you about the nature of such escape suggested in Quran itself. if i take such a step, am I more prone to end up in hell or would it be indifferent as far as the God aka religion is concern?

    I know I myself made this promise on Ehad-e-Alast. I agreed to this testing scheme of God. but now I can’t bear it. I am regretting my decision. and now I want an escape. I want a way out. All I am asking, is it possible?

    I know suicide is disliked as far as religion is concern. It’s a crime against religion. But what is the case about 42:20?

    Pardon my language. i just wanted to make my point clear. the gravity of my question clearer. and it is just an academic question. i personally am in no way near about thinking to call the quits.


  • Ahsan

    Moderator December 7, 2024 at 4:12 am

    The way you ask the question, i will say there is no escape and there is high probability of ending up in hell. But again, the decision rest with God only.

    Molana ahsan write following for this verse explanation

    یہ اسی سنت الٰہی کی مزید وضاحت ہے کہ اللہ تعالیٰ کا یہ قاعدہ نہیں ہے کہ وہ اپنے رزق و فضل سے انہی کو نوازے جو اس کی بندگی کرنے والے ہوں بلکہ نیکوکاروں اور بدکاروں دونوں کو وہ روزی دیتا ہے البتہ جو لوگ آخرت کی کھیتی کرتے ہیں اللہ ان کی آخرت کی کھیتی میں بھی برکت دیتا ہے اور اس دنیا کے رزق و فضل میں سے بھی جو کچھ چاہتا ہے دیتا ہے۔ رہے وہ لوگ جو دنیا ہی کے طالب ہوتے ہیں، آخرت کی پروا انھیں نہیں ہوتی تو اللہ ان کو بھی اتنا ہی دے دیتا ہے جتنا اس کی حکمت کا تقاضا ہوتا ہے۔ البتہ آخرت میں ان کا کوئی حصہ نہیں ہو گا۔ ’نَزِدْ لَہُ فِیْ حَرْثِہٖ‘ کے بعد ’نُؤتِہٖ مِنَ الدُّنْیَا‘ کے الفاظ بربنائے قرینہ محذوف ہیں۔ تقابل اس حذف پر دلیل ہے اس لیے کہ دوسرے ٹکڑے میں ’نُؤتِہِ مِنْہَا‘ کے الفاظ موجود ہیں۔ سورۂ بنی اسرائیل میں یہ مضمون اس طرح بیان ہوا ہے:

    مَنٓ کَانَ یُرِیْدُ الْعَاجِلَۃَ عَجَّلْنَا لَہُ فِیْہَا مَا نَشَاء لِمَن نُّرِیْدُ ثُمَّ جَعَلْنَا لَہُ جَہَنَّمَ یَصْلاہَا مَذْمُوماً مَّدْحُوراً ۵ وَمَنْ أَرَادَ الآخِرَۃَ وَسَعَی لَہَا سَعْیَہَا وَہُوَ مُؤْمِنٌ فَأُولَءِکَ کَانَ سَعْیُہُم مَّشْکُوراً ۵ کُلاًّ نُّمِدُّ ہَؤُلاء وَہَؤُلاء مِنْ عَطَاء رَبِّکَ وَمَا کَانَ عَطَاء رَبِّکَ مَحْظُوۡرًا (بنی اسرائیل: ۱۸-۲۰) ’’جو دنیا ہی کے طالب ہوتے ہیں ہم ان کو اسی دنیا میں دے دیتے ہیں جو چاہتے ہیں اور جن کے لیے چاہتے ہیں۔ پھر ہم نے ان کے لیے جہنم تیار کر رکھی ہے جس میں وہ مذموم و مطرود ہو کر داخل ہوں گے اور جو آخرت کے طالب ہوتے ہیں اور اس کے شایان شان جدوجہد کرتے ہیں اور وہ مومن بھی ہیں تو دراصل وہ ہیں جن کی سعی مشکور و مقبول ہو گی۔ تیرے رب کی بخشش سے ہم اُن کی بھی مدد کرتے ہیں اور اِن کی بھی۔ اور تیرے رب کی بخشش کا دروازہ کسی پر بھی بند نہیں ہے۔‘‘

  • Muhammad Mehboob Mughal

    Member December 7, 2024 at 7:17 am

    Now I see. Thanks a lot. jazakallah.

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