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  • Moral Justification For Killing Of Idolaters By A Rasul

    Posted by Farhan Khan on December 3, 2024 at 8:35 pm

    Is it morally justified for prophets to kill people or fight them because they don’t believe in what the prophet say? Prophet Muhammad fought and killed the idolaters and there are verses in the Quran to them wherever you find them. If there is no forceful conversion in islam then why violent behaviour towards people who don’t believe in one God and prefers to worship many?

    Farhan Khan replied 2 months, 2 weeks ago 2 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Moral Justification For Killing Of Idolaters By A Rasul

  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar December 4, 2024 at 1:42 am

    It was a divine punishment, not a general rule. God destroyed the nations of the previous Rasul too, who denied the divine message without any excuse—the same He did with the deniers of the Prophet Muhammad. Human morality does not apply to God. He gives death to people, we cannot do that.

  • Farhan Khan

    Member December 4, 2024 at 1:55 am

    Every death is given by God. Like a death in accident is given by God and a someone getting target killed is given by God too.

    But only in the later one, someone is punished. If Muhammad was morally justified to kill idolaters, then if Mirza Ghulam Ahmad did the same to us, that would be morally justified too. OR are we facing punishment from God because we denied Mirza Ghulam Ahmad ( just saying, not an Ahmadi) because after him we haven’t seen a good day. Terrorism, military operations, floods, earth quakes, inflammation and what not. Now can build a case here too.

  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar December 4, 2024 at 2:22 am

    f he were a true prophet, we would have no justification to disbelieve in him, and we should recognize that rejecting him would make us deserving of the same punishment. In such a case, one ought to embrace Ahmadiyyat instead of denying him. However, based on our understanding, the Quran provides a strong argument against his claims.

    Truth cannot be determined through analogies alone. Moreover, the followers of Ghulam Ahmad have not been relieved of their hardships, which contradicts God’s promise to the direct followers of a Rasul that they will be delivered from their suffering

  • Farhan Khan

    Member December 4, 2024 at 2:43 am

    Well, denying truth doesn’t justify someone’s killing. Denying Muhammad was doing no harm to humanity. Even today majority people don’t recognize him as a true prophet from God. That’s doing no harm to us. But we are suppose to live at peace and preach the message with peace but Muhammad did otherwise and God was intolerant there. Why so? Crime is something where someone’s right are violated, there it was not the case.

    Take the example, if i make science my religion and Molana Ilyas Qadri is denying that earth is sphere or it’s revolving around sun. I think it’s a more established truth than Muhammad being a prophet and more apparent and obvious, yet if ilyas Qadri denies it, does it make morally right for me to go for his head.

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