Earning Something Over An Action That Is Circumstantially Haram
Assallam u alaikum,
my question is that for suppose my parents had commanded me to not to do something, which in itself is halal.
for example during my exams they commanded me to not go outside with friends, even if they want a generic non-urgent help. But one day my friend showed up and told me to come along with him to help him buy a phone and give him company and i went out, violating my parents command. then i researched, and wandered around market and helping him buy things and accessories and comparing prices etc, all the hard-work, in the constant state of violation of parents command. then came home. next day my friend gives me a watch as a token of return for my efforts in helping him buy phone and going out with him to give him company in a hectic venture.
Will this watch be halal? because it was given to me for actions, that were itself halal but at that time were Haram for me to do because of parents command. and the watch was given to me for that particular help for that particular time (which was in violation of parents command).
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