70 000 Entering Jannah
My q is,
There is a famous hadith in Bukhari & Muslim, I forgot the reference. But I’m sure you guys know it that from this ummah 70000 people will enter paradise without reckoning.
And then it elaborate that with each also 70 000 or Allah taking 3 handfull as well to add to them. And it was mentioned they don’t ask for ruqya . They don’t believe in omens , they don’t practice burning wounds and full tawakkul on Allah.
My q is ;
I asked some time ago to a imam from ruqya from my sick father. Not formyself.
So am I now excluded from.these people whole will make a chance entering jamnah without hisaab?
Kindly explain.
Jazakumullah khair.
Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (saws) in English and Arabic
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