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  • Harsh Treatment Of Dietary Animals By Muslims And Their Halal Status For Us?

    Posted by Taimur Mughal on January 5, 2025 at 8:56 am

    I have a q regarding modern day cattle and farm animals being kept in harsh conditions for consumption.

    Now I do get it that Allah has made it halal for us to eat certain animals if we slaughter them according to islamic law ofcourse.

    But what I see today is that we humans , muslims or disbelievers, both have now chickens , cows and many other animals kept in large factories in bad scary conditions, they get solely bred to consume as if they have no other value than just soon to be slaughtered meat upon our plate. It’s as if they have no other value.

    Just like jews being transported into big cars into concentration camps and then be killed. They are clearly scared and in huge distress if you observe them .As a muslim, I don.t understand how this is halal. I do accept we can slaughter and eat them ofcourse, Allah has given us permission but they way we are doing it in these modern times, is this halal? It disturbs me a lot when I see these animals living like this.

    It’s as if they are in hell. A true display of hell infront our eyes for these animals.

    My q is ; am I thinking wrong or being sinfull if I am not agreeing with this modern day system of breeding and keeping and transporting in this large scale of animals purely for consumption?

    Could there be any other way that may seem more befitting ?

    Kindly explain to me if I’m sinfull for holding such vie.w about this topic or is it a valid concern as a muslim.

    Jazakumullah khair

    Umer replied 2 months, 2 weeks ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Harsh Treatment Of Dietary Animals By Muslims And Their Halal Status For Us?

    Umer updated 2 months, 2 weeks ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • Umer

    Moderator January 5, 2025 at 11:45 pm

    Comparing humans with animals is not the right comparison. But at the same time, Islam protects all the rights of the animals i.e. they should not be ill-treated, should be given proper habitat, should not be slaughtered in a barbaric manner and if there ever arises a need to cull them, then it should also be done in the least painful way. The current treatment of certain dietary animals among Muslims is objectionable and there is need to improve those industry practices. The governments should take measures to ensure proper treatment of such animals, wherever there are violations. However, this negligience at the hands of farm workers/shop keepers do not make a Halal animal Haram for you, if the primary conditions of Zabeeha are being met.

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