Reconciling Faith, Suffering And Fitrah
1. Ghamdi Sahib’s View on Fitrah:Ghamdi Sahib says Islam is a religion of fitrah (natural disposition), and nothing in Islam goes against human nature. If this is true, how can it be fitrah for humans to pray to a God who allows immense suffering (e.g., wars, rape, abuse) despite having the power to stop it?
2. Reconciliation of Justice and Mercy:If Allah is the Most Merciful and Just, how do we reconcile these attributes with the existence of innocent suffering, especially when humans are encouraged by their natural disposition to question and feel disturbed by such events?
3. Suffering Beyond Human Understanding:If the response to both these questions is that suffering is beyond human understanding and Allah, in His infinite wisdom, knows the bigger picture, does this not seem like Islam is “playing safe” because it cannot provide a satisfactory answer? While we may obey Him out of duty, isn’t it against human fitrah to sincerely pray to someone who allows the suffering of innocents and children despite having the power to stop it?
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