Meteoroids Do Not Adorn The Lowest Heaven Like Stars Nor Are They Part Of Stars
Alhamdulillah, the answer I read here Discussion 82035 was convincing, but I need further clarification. Allah says in the Quran in Surah Mulk, Ayah 5: ‘And indeed, We adorned the lowest heaven with lamps (i.e., stars) and made them missiles for stoning devils.’ Now, as mentioned by Ghamdi Sahab, if we limit this to meteoroids, then that’s fine. But what about the word ‘misbah,’ which is used in surah Mulk,in that specific ayat it refers to stars and not meteoroids? As a fact, we do know that meteoroids do not adorn the lowest heaven like stars nor are they part of stars. Kindly explain this issue.
Explanation Of Shooting Stars For Jinns - Ask Ghamidi
I was aware since childhood about the punishment given by Farishtey to Shayateen when they go up near to the sky to listen conversations of Allah. But
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