Please Convey My Apologies To Javed Ahmed Ghamidi Sb
So, a few months back i got really angry and said harsh words about javed ghamidi sb related to his thinking on the issue of pakistani army generals and state doing bad things to PTI workers and leaders. I said in comments that ghamidi saheb is biased and is bending the truth etc etc. But then i came back to those discussions, especially the youtube videos ” Is America a civilized super power ” and then another related to regime change and army recently uploaded. I though on his views with a cool head and realistic terms rather then through my emotional and political support for PTI. I came to realize that ghamidi sb views are correct and that if violence and chaos erupts in pakistan in pursuit of the goal of removing current establishment then only poor pakistanis and common man would be effected. We have to show patience, compassionate and only critique the policies of generals of the army in such way that harm is not caused to the society and no chaos erupts. We also have to ask from PTI that they show democracy and ethics in their own ranks, rather then demanding it from everybody else. Also ghamidi sb used the words ” ilm o akhlaq “, which is 100 % correct that somehow we are not taught to listen to others with a cool head and think and then progress in knowledge and ethics by sincere seeking of truth with compassion and mercy.
Sincere apologies from a person who thought he knows more then others and is right, because i read so much history and books . May ALLAH have blessings on ghamidi sb and his family.
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