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Women Required To Cover Head During Salah
Posted by Zaheer Ahmed on March 2, 2025 at 3:41 amIf hijab is not obligatory then why rasool Allah ordered Muslim women to wear hijab while praying …why not he ordered men too to cover head …if covering head while praying for women represents respect as people of rasool Allah’s time used to cover head in front of respectable personalities….. doesn’t it represents that here covering head for female only …is giving us the idea that women are less superior than man …?? That’s she has to cover head in front of Allah ….it doesn’t matter whether they are adaab or is it obligatory…..but adaab are still present….?
Umer replied 3 weeks, 3 days ago 4 Members · 19 Replies -
19 Replies
Women Required To Cover Head During Salah
Dr. Irfan Shahzad
Scholar March 2, 2025 at 5:11 amPlease refer to the said order of the prophet to the women.
It is all about good manners. Not only women but men too used to cover their heads. Covering of head had been a pert of dress for both the genders.
Zaheer Ahmed
Member March 2, 2025 at 5:15 amSir just clarify me what does hijab while praying represents? Modesty or respect ….if respect than what is the meaning of such respect
If modesty then …why it is not obligatory
Zaheer Ahmed
Member March 2, 2025 at 5:16 amIf it not obligatory…and it has nothing to do with swaab …if a girl covers her head . .if it’s just a dress …then why it is used as adaab while praying
Dr. Irfan Shahzad
Scholar March 2, 2025 at 5:26 amSociety suggests the manners and it works this way. There is no special dress code for prayer.
Zaheer Ahmed
Member March 2, 2025 at 5:30 amSir 8n one of videos of sir Javed …he said rasool Allah told women to cover hair while praying …..hence they are adaab and unavoidable..but if in an unavoidable condition they pray namaz without it …it is valid …my Q’s is sir why only women …and what hijab actually represents in salat ….plz try to understand my Q’s ..and answer me in simple way
Dr. Irfan Shahzad
Scholar March 2, 2025 at 5:34 amPlease refer to be video of Ghamidi saheb.
Zaheer Ahmed
Member March 2, 2025 at 7:51 am -
Zaheer Ahmed
Member March 2, 2025 at 7:58 amOne of your moderator Faisal Haroon answered someone related to that in of the threads related to hijab in prayer
“Ghamidi sahab has not stated that head covering in salat is optional. I shared this video with you before in response to the same question that you raised a few days ago. What he says in this video is that head covering for women in salat is categorized as ‘aadab’, which means that in an unavoidable situation if head is not covered then salat still remains valid. He also said to not consider lightly the ‘aadab’ that we have been given in our religion.
Please refer to the video below from 1:17:50 to 1:18:35“ -
Zaheer Ahmed
Member March 2, 2025 at 7:59 amPlz read my asks and try to understand what I am trying to know ..sir plz help me in simple way
Zaheer Ahmed
Member March 2, 2025 at 8:02 amAnd if it was the part of dress at that time only ….and both of the genders had been covering head as the part of their dress ….then why only women now days cover their head not men
? Sir plz help me 🥺
Babar Rizwan
Member March 2, 2025 at 9:43 amJust to add: I do remember Ghamidi Sahib answering to Hasan Ilyas Sahib in a video, where Hasan Ilyas said “If scarf/hijab is not mandatory, then why it’s mandatory in prayer for women? To which Ghamidi Sahib replied that it’s because you’re going infront of your Creator and you”ll do khaas ehtamaam for that.
Obviously im paraphrasing but the point is from what remeber i think Ghamidi Sahib accepts scarf/head covering as a necessity which shouldn’t be neglected.
Zaheer Ahmed
Member March 2, 2025 at 9:56 amMy humble ask is that what hijab while praying presents…modesty or adaab ….if adaab according to ghamdi Sahab ….then why….? …why only women …why only women nowadays cover head not men
….if adaab then islam gave us universal adaab both for men and women ….but hijab in prayer only for girl represents what….?????if there is no specific dress code for prayer then why ghamdi Sahab is saying that they are adaab ??? And why only for girls …..?? Adaab of prayer should be equal for both genders…but men cover their heads sometime not often …but why women cover head every time while praying….sir plz help ….I’m so confused ….these are contradictory things …hijab is not obligatory….even not during prayers …but it is not also optional …..what does that mean …sir…scholar…. moderator plz help 🥺
Dr. Irfan Shahzad
Scholar March 2, 2025 at 11:43 pmYour questions have been answered. Ponder upon them for w while.
There is no special dress code for prayers.
Culture decides and suggests dresses.
Men and women both used to cover their heads. Now, mostly, women cover their heads. It is cultural.
Decent dressing should be observed during prayer.
I hope I have answered your questions.
Zaheer Ahmed
Member March 3, 2025 at 3:16 amOkay sir understand….thankyou so much …but what about the clip of ghamdi Sahab where he told us these adaab were ordered us by rasool Allah saw
Moderator March 3, 2025 at 11:47 amEtiquettes (Adaab) are never obligatory.
The Quran directed Muslims to safeguard the prayer, it has said: وَ قُوْمُوا لِِلّهِِ قَانِتِيْنْ (and stand before the Almighty with great respect, (2:238)). All these etiquettes that we find in ahadith, like prostrating on seven limbs, not to gather clothes and hair, women covering head etc. are an application of this Quranic Directive. This is so that prayer is offered with utmost focus and minimal distractions.
Zaheer Ahmed
Member March 3, 2025 at 12:32 pmOkay sir I understand…and I also think the same ..but the thing that confuse me a lot …is that what does hijab presents …while praying like how it could be involved in the sense of respect to cover head …or hair …ghamdi Sahab said in the above video that adaabs are unavoidable….??? So my Q’s is that …how hijab could present respect?
Zaheer Ahmed
Member March 3, 2025 at 12:33 pmAnd how could hijab be a part of utmost focus …and minimal distraction…for utmost focus we can simply tie our hair without hijab …but ghamdi Sahab said these are adaab and unavoidable..
Zaheer Ahmed
Member March 3, 2025 at 12:37 pmAnd why only girls kept wearing hijab …I think people should remove all those kind of actions from Deen that are not the part of Deen like hijab…me when ever I try to recite Quran without head cover .my mom says me brutal words like …I’m not a good Muslim…bla bla… don’t you think respected scholars that …these things …like beating a girl for not covering head while azaan or reciting Quran ….and the worse reaction of a girl on such things ….towards the parents as she knew she is not wrong …will lead towards the disobedience of her parents and then she might be Q’s at the end for disobedience?
Moderator March 3, 2025 at 12:45 pmThis is not related to the primary question. Please start a new thread for question of a different nature.
As for the main question, Hair can become a mode of distraction, even when tied. Women usually have more hair than men, hence they are more prone to such distractions.
If this does not seem logical to you, then there is an opposite view according to traditional narrative that covering hair is obligatory for Salah for women. You can choose to follow their point of view. All of this is based on one Hadith and we have explained our understanding of the Hadith in accordance with Quran. You can compare both the understandings and make up your mind.
As for the etiquettes of Salah, yes they should not be ignored and should not be treated casually, but they are not compulsory part of Salah like obligatory rituals and utterances of the Salah.
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