Extreme Nature And Difficulty In Living Life Normally Blasphemy Waswasa
First of all gamidhi sahib I want to ask u some questions
U say that Quran Hadith and fiqh do not give any law about blasphemy
But we get an ayah which declares anyone who for e.g jokes on Allah messenger and ayahs is considered a kafir
Now I’m getting extreme behaviours regarding this for e.g
Watching a movie many scholors considers them Haram I don’t based on the 5 Haram things act
But Haram was ok but I’m getting waswasa that there are millions of hadiths millions of actions islam hold sacred which means movies may be involved in blasphemy all the time
Anything can match and we canot joke worldly without worrying that this joke would match Hadith or not
I got a solution
According to the Quran only blasphemy is considered as
Mocking god the real god not the false one the god that islam describes
Mocking prophets
Mocking ayahs
Mocking hadiths
One might argue that angels and Islamic law is not mentioned in this Hadith then if the Islamic law is made for personal reasons the it is not Islamic law and ayah clearly stated sacred personalities and text only not what it means like for e.g I say something u r mocking my statement the it’s my insult if u r mocking the person’s statement based in my statement it’s mocking his statement not mine even if I meant that
Now actions that islam describes
Now u mock person doing it action or the action itself only valid when u for example mock him if his intention is Islamic then it’s bad else it’s fine in real world person doing it u can consider him doing as worldly act then mocking him and his action is ok
Only mocking the Hadith is blasphemy not what it means like for example if intent is to mock the person’s statement the Hadith means that but u r mocking person’s statement then fine over all if u are mocking the meaning but no intend to mock Hadith or ayah only the meaning then it’s not blasphemy
For e.g if one is mentioning a moral value that islam teaches he is saying something it meant u said his statement as mock it will only be blasphemy when u mock the Hadith ayah and personalities not person
Mocking the interpretation is not blasphemy at all
Can u please describe the most easiest way to avoid blasphemy while watching movies and joking
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