Zakat On Rent And Business Income
After listening to ghamidi sahab and his opinion on zakat on business income and rent and salary will be same as 5% 10% as it is for agriculture produce.
The analogy and argument he used was the economy was different during the time of prophet and the type income that are produced now should be treated like it was treated for agriculture income.
However i have few issues with this analogy:-
1. Rental income was already there and known during the time of prophet in fact prophet(pbuh) him rented a land during his time. But there is no proof that any time zakat was taken on rental income.
2. Businesses were very common during the time of prophet, more common then agriculture as well.however if there was zakat on business income it would have been collected by prophet (pbuh).
I heard ghamadi sahab say that zakat rules are established by Allah azzowajal and prophet pbuh and state can not charge more than zakat. But how is it correct to use qiyas and apply 5% and 10% rates for business income and rental income when both these things were present during the time of prophet. We should use qiyas for something that was not seen during the time of prophet and apply some qiyas for today’s time like zakat on livestock, cows were not there but we included it based on qiyas as everything resembled the same but for something that was there in front of prophet pbuh and still he didn’t take zakat how can we use qiyas and calculate zakat on that?
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